Chapter Sixteen

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Alyssa awoke before Spencer, so she decided to cook breakfast.

She quietly got out of bed. She hoped he wouldn't wake up. She walked to the kitchen and pulled out the pancake mix. She decided to keep it simple. She pulled out the coffee pot and started the coffee.

She heard footsteps behind her and smiled. She stood there, and Spencer came and put his arms around her. "Good morning, beautiful. Why didn't you wake me?"

She turned into his arms and kissed his lips. "I wanted to cook for you. You have been doing it every morning. It's my turn. Besides, you looked so peaceful."

He placed his forehead against hers. "I would have been fine. I like to cook for you."

"I know you do. Which is why you need a break."

"I see I will lose this fight, so I give up. How much longer? I'm starving."

Alyssa laughed. "I figured you would be. They are almost done. You can pour the coffee for me."

He let her go. "Gotcha. I will get that done for you."

She smiled and turned back to her pancakes. She really did love this man.

Pancakes were finished and he mixed her coffee. He pulled her chair out and told her to sit. He sat across from her and said, "so, we have a problem. There is something about you that I don't know."

Alyssa froze. Did he find out about her health? Did he want to have a baby? She stared at him and said, "what?"

He reached over and grabbed her hands. "I don't know your birthday. How do I not know when my wife's birthday is?"

Alyssa sighed. That was a relief. He just wants to know her birthday. "It's August 1. It hasn't come around yet. You have it easy this year since it is March."

He tapped his head. "August 1. Got it. I always remember birthdays."

She leaned towards him. "When is yours?"

He shook his head. "Mine isn't important." He saw her stare and smiled, "November 17."

"Got it. I also remember birthdays. It's like a calendar in here."

He nodded. "I know this sounds bad, but when is Matthew's?"

"His has already passed. His is on January 27. We had his party a week before you came."

He shook his head. "I was a week late. I will be here for every birthday from now on. We will both be there, right?"

Alyssa squeezed his hands. "Right. Always."

He leaned in and kissed her. She thought to herself that she didn't deserve him. She has this secret that keeps hanging between him. He would have to know before it is too late.

She pulled away and said, "I think we need to go. We both have work at seven."

"Darn. Can we just not be grown ups and stay home?"

Alyssa laughed and shook her head. "As pleasing as it sounds, I don't think we should. We have a child. Mommy and daddy have to work."

He hung his head. "You're right. We have a life. Our time together was fun. We should let Molly take Matthew more often. When does he get out of school?"

"At three. Same time I get off."

He nodded. "Okay. I get off at three too. Is it weird that we have the same schedule?"

"I don't think so. We can do something as a family after I get him. He'd like that."

"Okay. We had a husband and wife day. Why not have a family day, too?"

She stood and went to wash her plate. "Don't forget that I am coming for lunch today. You better cook something good for me."

"Anything for you, darling." He kissed her lips one last time. "I think you should go get dressed. Don't want to be late."

She went to the room and grabbed her scrubs. She dresses and went back downstairs. Spencer was sitting on the couch waiting for her. "Where is your uniform?"

He looked up to her and stood. "I get mine today. He didn't have it with him when I applied. You look so professional in those scrubs."

"Why thank you. I better go. I have a busy schedule at the hospital. I have one patient leaving and a new one coming in."

He smiled. "Have fun. See you at lunch."

She reached up and claimed his lips. She held him there for a moment. She never wanted to let go.

He let go. "Go. Go to work. Remember. We are grown ups."

She laughed. "Oh, right. How could I forget?" She turned and went out the door.

She decided to put off their talk for another day. She would get to it eventually.

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