Chapter Eight

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Alyssa and Spencer stood in Alyssa's apartment. They agreed to stay at her place until they could find a house.

"So," Spencer began. "How are we going to do this?"

Alyssa bit her lip and stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how are we going to sleep. We don't know each other too well. So, um, I wasn't going to..." He trailed off. Alyssa noticed the blush rising on his cheeks.

"Well, we are married, Spencer. Married couples do sleep in the same bed. If that is what you were getting at."

He nodded. "Yes. That is exactly what I was getting at. Thanks."

His face was still red. Alyssa couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"You. Why do you look so nervous? Your face is bloodshot red." She laughed.

"I normally don't get embarrassed, but you aren't helping me any. You just keep on laughing at me."

She held up her hands in defeat. "I'm sorry. I won't laugh again. I know this is a bit strange. If it helps any, I'm a bit nervous too."

He smiled. "It's okay. I understand. We barely know each other. We rushed into this marriage because of a shared interest."

Alyssa nodded. "Exactly. So, I understand if you want to sleep somewhere else. You don't have to sleep in my bed. I am a bit of a rough sleeper."

He laughed. "You are funny. I could get used to this marriage. We'll discuss more about bedtime when that time comes. First off, where can I put these?" He held up his suitcases.

"Oh, right." Alyssa smiled. "I forgot about your clothes. Follow me. I have an empty dresser in my room."

She led the way down the hall. She showed him her room, and he placed his clothes in the dresser.

"I'm going to begin supper. Molly should be bringing Matthew by in about an hour." Alyssa said walking towards the door.

"Okay. I'll help you when I'm done." He said. "I'm glad Molly kept Matthew for a bit. Even if we aren't doing a honeymoon, it is nice to have time alone with you."

She nodded. "Yeah. As much as I love that little boy, I am very thankful when she offers to take him." She smiled and walked towards the kitchen. What was she doing? Was she falling in love? She shook her thoughts away and began supper.

Five minutes later, Spencer walked in to assist her. "What can I do? What are we eating?"

"Spaghetti." She stated. "Is that alright? I haven't really had the time to grocery shop."

He nodded. "Sounds great. I love spaghetti. It happens to be one of my favorites."

"Same with Matthew. Other than grilled cheese, it is his favorite."

"The boy has good taste. There is nothing better than a grilled cheese."

"Exactly." She smiled. "Can you look in that cabinet and grab two cans of spaghetti sauce, please?"

"Sure. Anything to help you. I do live here now." He looked in the cabinet and grabbed the sauce. She handed him a can opener, and he opened the cans. He added the sauce to the meat while she started the toast.

"Mmmm," he smiled. "Garlic toast and spaghetti. That just makes it all better. You sure do know the way to a man's heart."

"What's that?" She smiled.

"You sure can cook a good meal." He said. "I say that without even tasting it. I can just tell it will be good."

"Thanks." She nodded. "I'm glad you appreciate my cooking."

They finished cooking just in time for Matthew to arrive. Molly walked into the kitchen, and Matthew came running.

"Yum," Matthew smiled. "Sgetti."

"Thanks for watching him, Molly. I appreciate it." Alyssa said.

"No problem." Molly smiled. "I'll leave you three to your supper. Bye." She walked out the door.

Alyssa turned to the two boys in her kitchen. The father-son duo was a sight to see. "Well, boys. Are we ready for supper?"

Matthew ran to his chair while Spencer helped Alyssa fill the plates with food. They sat around the kitchen table together. It was their first meal as a family.

Alyssa wondered if they would actually have a family one day. Or, was this just temporary because of Matthew?

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