Chapter 2: Hanging Out with Magnus (Part 1)

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Oh no. I can't tell Magnus about my shoulder. That would mean I would have to tell him about everything about my cuts. How long I've been doing it. Why I do it. I don't want to explain everything to him. I don't trust him enough. 

I look away and focus my gaze into my wall. 

"What do you want to do while we're at home?" I ask, avoiding his question. Magnus seems to let it slide, although I'm pretty sure he's going to ask me about it later.

"We can watch movies and get to know each other better, if you want." He says and I look into his hazel eyes. I never noticed it before but up close, his eyes are have specs of gold and yellow in them. It's beautiful. My mouth parts a little for a moment. I notice that I'm staring so I look away and then nod. 

We walk out of my room and down the stairs into the living room. A comfortable silence between us. Sarah walks over to me as I sit next to Magnus on the couch. "Are you ok? I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you. I didn't mean to." She says to me. 

"It's fine. I think I'm going to stay home today. Magnus said he would say with me to make sure I was ok." I say and look over to Magnus who's got his eyes on mine. I look away quickly, back up at Sarah.She just nods before getting her keys and saying goodbye and walking out the door. 

"So what do you want to watch?" I ask Magnus, looking him in the eyes and facing to turn to him with my legs crossed. He does the same. "I don't mind. I just need to get my mind off....." I state trailing off while Magnus looks at me curiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I say looking away shyly. 

"Its just that you have such beautiful eyes. They're such a bright blue. It's breath-taking." He replies, making me look up and blush a little.

"Yours too. They're magnificent." I complement making him blush and look away. I've never seen him like this with anyone and there's plenty of good looking people in school. He has both genders to choose from. It's cute the way he's acting right now. He's cute and hot. This thought makes me blush slightly. "So what do you want to watch?" I ask him again once we've stopped blushing. 

"I don't mind. Mum and me always pick during movie night. Why don't you choose now?" Magnus says while getting up and going to the kitchen. "I'm getting popcorn. I'll be right back."

"Make sure it's salted!!!" I shouted and heard him chuckle before noises in the kitchen were made. I got up and made my way over to where we kept the DVD's. I looked through it. I finally decided and chose Jumanji (2017). I inserted the disc just as Magnus strolled in with the popcorn and sat down. I walked over to the couch and sat next to him, only a few centimetres apart. I love how I'm this close to him. Although, I want to be closer. The movie starts and we both reach for the popcorn at the same time and our fingers touch. We both look at our hands and then into each other's eyes.I drop my hand onto my lap. I look away and blush, realising how cheesy this is. I don't see what his reaction is.Magnus grabs some popcorn then I do. 

An hour into the film, Magnus and I are laughing at how funny the film is, tears of joy rolling down our cheeks. They're such great actors. We've already finished the popcorn and the bowl is on the coffee table in front of us. I start to get tired and my eye-lids slowly shut. Next thing I know, I'm leaning to my side and my head is resting on Magnus's lap. He strokes my hair as I bring my knees closer to my chest. He smells so good like sandalwood. So magnificent and unique, like him. I focus on Magnus's fingers fiddling with my hair and soon fall asleep, enjoying the presence of Magnus. 


I open my eyes and realise that I'm alone. The TV is switched off and my head isn't on Magnus's lap anymore. I frown and sit up. I yawn and get up stretching my legs.

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