Chapter 4: A Fight

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Alec's POV:

"MAGNUS!!! HAVE YOU SEEN ALEC??? HE'S NOT IN HIS BED!!!" Sarah screamed whilst banging hard on the door. I snuggled even farther into Magnus's chest. WAIT! MAGNUS'S CHEST!? I sat up too quickly and my neck cracked. I moaned in pain as Magnus chuckled. I looked down at him as he looked up. I smiled as he smiled. Everything from yesterday came rushing back to me. "Mum! It's ok. He's in here. He fell asleep on the floor last night." Magnus lied. I pecked him on the lips and mumbled a thanks. He smiled and he wrapped his arms around my neck and dragged me down and into in a passionate kiss. "Ok. make sure that you two are ready. There's school today and you two are not skipping this time!" Sarah yelled through the door. I smiled against Magnus's lips and pulled away. He pouted and I smirked, turning a little bit red. I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. 

"Good. You're up. Now, get ready." Sarah said. She walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. I rushed to my room and changed into my plain black clothes. I couldn't help but notice that I kept smiling to myself. A new sense of joy, that felt very unfamiliar, made my insides all fuzzy and warm. I don't know why. I guess I'm just glad that Magnus has finally returned the feelings I hoped he had. Sarah also doesn't mind that I'm gay, which I'm happy about. Everything seems to have finally fallen into place after all this time. 

But now there's school. Ugh...

Once I've finished changing, I head to the bathroom to find Magnus already there and styling his hair. His biceps flex as his hands move. I stare and I don't care. "Like what you see?" Magnus said while smirking. I bite my bottom lip, blushing and looking down at the floor. Magnus just chuckles and walks out, down the stairs. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I don't even try to tame my messy black. I do brush it, but it doesn't do much. Today, I don't feel like I need to make a cut. I smile at the thought of this. I'm just wondering, how long will this feeling last?

After I'm finished in the bathroom, I walk down the stairs-the smile now gone, however, I'm still happy. I sit next to Magnus in the kitchen and start eating the breakfast Sarah has made for us, which happens to be waffles. Magnus and I eat in silence, since Sarah already left for work, although the silence between us is not uncomfortable. We finish eating and get our bags. I go to my car as Magnus goes to his. I fiddle with the car keys while walking to my black car. 

"Alexander!" Magnus yells and I turn around shocked. "Do you want to ride with me?" He smiles and I nod. I put my car keys into my pocket and walked over to Magnus. He pecked me on the cheek and froze. I wasn't comfortable with being out in the open in public, even if no one was around. You don't know who could be watching. "What is it? Did I take it too far? You're not comfortable with being like that in public yet, are you?" Magnus said as I froze. I simply shook my head and he nodded. Then he sat in the drivers seat, followed by me placing myself in the passenger seat. The drive to school was silent. Magnus drove and I looked out the window. Magnus held my hand when we started driving; I intertwined our fingers and I smiled. 

As I saw the school come into view, I not-so-gently pulled my hand out of Magnus's. I mumbled a sorry. Magnus parked his car and I just looked at the school building and everything that came with it. My breathing became heavy as I realised what I would have to go through in school. My hands became sweaty. I was beginning to feel really dizzy. Great(!). I was having a panic attack. "Alexander?" I looked over at Magnus, he was very wobbly. His face was full of concern. I put a hand to my head and leaned back. "Are you ok?" He asked. I swallowed and tried to regain control of my breathing and racing heart. I nodded. "Well, you don't look ok. Just take deep breaths, in and out." Magnus said in a soothing voice. It actually helped. The only other person that could do that was Jace. My breathing went back to normal and so did my heart. Everything insight became normal once again. My hands were damp so I wiped them on my trousers. "Thanks." I said, my voice shaking. Magnus looked at me, still concerned. "I'm fine. It was a panic attack." My voice less shaky this time I spoke. "Yeah I know." I looked at him confused. "I used to have them when my father left. I was always afraid the he would come back and hurt me and my mother." He got out of the car and I followed him into the building. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as we arrived at his locker - mine was further down the hall. "I'd rather not but thanks for offering, Alexander." He said in a monotone, however, his voice seemed happier when he said my name if that's even possible. It sounded happier.

"Magnus, if you will, then can you introduce us to this tall, handsome friend of yours, unless he's one of your boy-toys." Someone from behind Magnus said. Magnus turned around and stepped back a bit so I could see several people standing behind him. "Catarina! He is not one of my boy-toys!  have not dated or hooked up with anyone in ages. However, I will not argue with the fact that you called him handsome." I stood there awkwardly blushing slightly, while Magnus's group of friends looked at me. It felt like they were judging me. "His name is Alexander, but he likes to go by Alec. Alec, this is Catarina, Ragnor, Raphael, Will, Jem and Tessa. They are my friends and now yours." When he said a persons name, he pointed to them; they all looked friendly. They all said hello and then they continued to talk on the way to my locker, since Magnus came with me, and on the way to class. They involved me into the conversation as well. I finally feel like I belonged. I smiled.

I had a separate class to everyone, including Magnus. This made me slightly nervous. No one had bothered me yet, but Sebastian was bound to find me eventually. Ugh, how I hated that guy.  I walked to my first lesson and can you guess who finally found me? Sebastian. This time I decide to not do what I usually do. I'll chat back and won't care what he does to me. He pushed me against the lockers with a loud bang. The halls were empty, all except me and Sebastian. "How's life without a family?" He asked, aggressively. His hand held my collar and his body was pressed up against me. It felt so wrong. I hated it. "How's life without a mum?" I snapped back; it was a sensitive subject for him. His mum left him and his dad when she became pregnant with her second child. I don't know if there was another reason why she left. but I'm guessing there is by the way he reacts. Sebastian slams me into the lockers several times, lets me go and I fall to the floor. He kicks me in the stomach and yells, "Don't say stuff like that when you know nothing about it!" I spit out some blood and mumble a few words. He lifts me up from the floor by the collar of my shirt. "What did you say, Lightwood!?" He screams in my face. I repeat, "That's rich coming from you since you say stuff like that to me all the time." He drops me and this time I land on my feet. "Yeah, think about that for a sec. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME YET YOU SAY SENSITIVE THINGS LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME TO ME AND YOU'RE ASKING ME NOT TO SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT BECAUSE I SAID SOMETHING HURTFUL TO YOU ONE TIME!!!" I scream. 

Students have started coming out of their classes to see what the commotion is. I spot Magnus and his friends. They all look concerned and shocked. I face Sebastian to see his hands making fists. All of a sudden, he punches me. Doesn't really hurt since I'm used to it. I punch him back and soon we're on the floor punching each other. Both of our faces are filled with blood; our clothes are filled with blood. Teachers eventually break us apart, with difficulty. Sebastian is still eager to fight while I'm smirking. The teachers holding me lets me go since they've seen that I am calm, unlike someone. I turn around and walk off with a teacher who asks me what happened. I zone out, thinking about how that was so unlike me and so like Jace. I smile. Students make way for us and look shocked. No one ever has managed to be toe to toe with Sebastian in a fight. Even though it doesn't look like it, I'm actually quite strong. I spot Magnus and his friends they're all shocked and concerned. 

In the nurse's office, I'm fixed. Only a few stitches but it's fine. I'm told to take it easy and I do. By this time, lunch comes around and I find Magnus and his friends. "Hey." I say as I sat down opposite Magnus, next to Catarina and Tessa. "Oh my! Are you ok?" Tessa asks. I nod and dig into my food. Everyone looks at me. "I'm fine. I used to fight my brother all the time and he was like twice as strong as Sebastian." No one seems convinced. Jace was stronger than Sebastian, no lie. "Guys, leave him be. If  he says he's fine, then he's fine." Magnus says and everyone seems to relax a little. I nod at Magnus as a way of saying thank you and continue to eat. Lunch soon ends and the tension that was there at the beginning of everyone and me was no longer there. I talked and fit into Magnus's group of friends. Our last period was PE, where I would see Sebastian again. For once in my life, I honestly didn't care. 

Why ME?? (MALEC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz