Chapter 7: One Year Later

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One Year Later

Today was Magnus and I's one year anniversary. I can't believe that me and him have been together for a year. Magnus and I have been through a lot.

I woke up next to Magnus as usual. I snuggled into his chest.

"Morning Alexander." Magnus spoke in a deep voice, still sleepy. I hummed as a response. He kissed the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I love you." I said.
"I love you too my Alexander." Magnus responded.

Magnus and I got ready. We both had a shower and dressed in casual clothes. We decided to hang out at the mall until we had to go to dinner. We had a lot of fun. Sure, we got a few stares and looks but we honestly didn't give a shit because we were happy and that was all that mattered.

After we got back from the mall, I drove us to the restaurant we were going to be eating at.

We were onto dessert when Magnus grabbed a small box out of his pocket and kneeled down in front of me. People from other tables looked towards us and awed silently to themselves. I started to tear up.

Magnus opened the box and I saw two rings in it.

Magnus opened the box and  I saw two rings in it

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They were simple yet beautiful.

Magnus started speaking, "Alexander. I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life. So with these rings I promise that I'll always be there for you even as friends or lovers. No matter what the future holds for us. I hope you know that I'll always be by your side. Alexander Gideon Lightwood, do you accept these promise rings?"

I teared up and put a hand over my mouth halfway through that speech. It was amazing. I ignored that stares and awes from other people around us and nodded rapidly.
"Y-yes. I-i love you Magnus so much!"

Magnus looked over joyed and we both stood up. He put he ring on my finger and I put his ring on his finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms snaked around my waist. We then kissed passionately.

The noise of customers and staff whooping and cheering for us was drowned out as we kissed. I was so glad to have Magnus in my life.

Thank you for reading!! I really didn't know what to write and I didn't want to leave this hanging so I wrote this chapter for you guys. I hope that it's good. I think it's a cute way to end this book. I hope you enjoyed reading this story!!! Love you all!!!!!


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