Chapter 6: Sarah

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Alec's POV:

It has been a week since the fight with Sebastian. I haven't bothered him and he hasn't bothered me. He avoided me and I avoided him. We only had one week left until the winter break. Magnus and I got to know each other more over the past week. I got along with his friends. Magnus and I secretly made out in his bedroom (we hadn't had sex yet) while Sarah was downstairs or sleeping. Usually, we tried to be quiet with all the moaning that happened. Most of the time, I fell asleep in Magnus's bed.

I jogged down the stairs, with Magnus jogging behind me. We both sat down at the kitchen table and waited for Sarah to finish up with the food. The whole kitchen smelled absolutely amazing. I smiled, even more so than before. I was a lot happy now that Magnus was a good person in my life. Standing up to Sebastian also meant a lot. He wasn't much of a problem anymore.

Anyways, Sarah finished making dinner, which was some sort of Indonesian dish that I couldn't pronounce. Magnus smiled and started eating. I began to eat it and it was delicious. We all started talking about our day and what happened. Magnus and I pretty much said the same thing every time- leaving out the parts of us kissing.

When we were eating dessert, Sarah looked at me then Magnus.
"So, what's going on between you two?" She asked. I choked on the cheese cake a little and Magnus patted my back. I mumbled a thanks and smiled in his direction.
"What do you mean?" Magnus asked, looking at his mum. Sarah looked at me and then Magnus.

"I can tell that something is going on between you two. I'm not blind." She said.
"Care to be more specific?" Magnus asked. I continued to eat my cake because I couldn't find anything to say. The words didn't come.
"Ok, this isn't going anywhere like this. I'm just going to be blunt and ask." Sarah said, as I tensed a little and Magnus let out a breath. We both were looking at Sarah nervously.

"Are you two dating?" She asked.

I looked down and blushed a little. Magnus and I hadn't actually talked about what we were. I never thought about it. Sarah continued, "I can tell that there is something going on between the two of you. Don't deny it." Magnus blushed slightly and said,
"There is something going on between us," he looked at me and smiled, "but I'm not sure what we are." Magnus stated. I looked down at our intertwined fingers underneath the table. I hadn't realised that he'd done that while he was talking.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sarah smiling. I smiled even wider and got the courage to say, "Magnus, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I looked at him worriedly. Please don't reject me now.

"Yes, I am honoured to be your boyfriend Alexander." Magnus said. Before I could sigh of relief, Magnus leaned in and kissed me. I put my hands around his neck, not caring that Sarah was watching. He put his arms on my waist and pulled me closer.

Click! Flash!

I broke the kiss and looked at Sarah who had her phone in her hand. Magnus looked at her as well.
"Did you just take a picture?" Magnus asked.
"Yes I did and sending it to you right now." She said while tapping her phone.

I sighed and finished the last piece of cheese cake that I had left.
"I don't mind you two being together, only on one condition." Sarah said seriously. Magnus and I looked at her curious. "I don't want to hear you guys having sex and other sounds coming from either of your bedrooms while I'm trying to sleep." I blushed and looked at my plate. I'm pretty sure I was tomato red. I hadn't thought about having sex with Magnus yet.
"Ok." Magnus said for the both of us.

After that, Sarah went to her bedroom and went to bed. I went to Magnus's and fell asleep on Magnus's shoulder.


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been binge-reading on Wattpad a lot. 😂😂😂

Thanks for reading and please vote and comment. It helps me to continue writing.

Also, what do you want to have happen in this book?


Why ME?? (MALEC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora