Chapter Seventeen: A Warning from Her

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            “It means ‘treasurer’ or ‘spotted stone’,” Amanda replied.

            “Treasurer?” Jasper repeated, raising an eyebrow. “You mean I’m a treasurer?”

            She rolled her eyes at him. “No. That’s what your name means. It says here in the book!”

            “Look for mine!” I said, grinning.

            We were huddled on our table at the cafeteria. It was Friday and Amanda brought a book with the meaning of our names. Cool, huh?

            “It means ‘black’,” Amanda told me, trying not to laugh.

            Jasper snorted and I gave them both glares. “It’s not funny!”

            As if on cue, they both laughed out loud. “It’s damn funny, Melanie! ‘Black’? Really?”

            I waved them off dismissively. “Look for the meaning of Amanda.”

            “Hmm… It means ‘She Who Must Be Loved’. Aww, that’s so sweet, isn’t it?” Amanda gushed sweetly, batting her eyelashes to me.

            “Give me that bloody book!” I reached out and grabbed the book from Amanda’s hands despite her protests and looked for her name. Sure enough, it meant ‘She Who Must Be Loved’.

            Amanda laughed as I gave her back the book with a frown. “Seriously, you must be proud with your name. It’s what your parents gave you.”

            “But, ‘Black’? Seriously? How about you search for Melissa’s?”

            “It means ‘Honeybee’,” Jasper replied, looking over at Amanda’s book.

            “What?!” I exclaimed. “So all of you have proper meanings and I got to have ‘Black’? What is wrong with the world?”

            “What are you two laughing about and you sulking about?” a familiar voice asked.

            The three of us turned and there was Garret, looking absolutely gorgeous with just dark-washed jeans with his usual black button-down shirt. He was smirking at us and every girl in the cafeteria was sighing over the sight of him. I almost smirked to myself, thinking that this gorgeous guy that I love is in love with me! How the hell did I got so lucky?

            “What are you doing here?” Jasper asked, raising an eyebrow.

            To my surprise, Amanda slapped his arm—hard. “Jasper! Your manners! You know what’s going on with Melanie and Garret, right?”

            “There’s something going on?”

            “Well, duh!”  

            “Guys!” I exclaimed. Then I looked back at Garret, who smirked wider. “What brought you here?”

            “Well, I can hear your laughs and squeals at my table which is, like, a million tables away,” he said, rolling his eyes. “So. What are you busy laughing about?”

            “None of your business,” Jasper said, waving his hand dismissively.

            “Jasper! He’s practically Melanie’s boyfriend!”

            And with that, every person’s eyes turned to us. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. I gulped nervously as I tried to ignore those hot glares that the girls were giving me. I glared at Amanda who just smiled sheepishly and immediately developed a sudden interest on her mud-streaked tennis shoes.

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