Chapter Eighteen: Truth Comes Out

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            “You sly bitch.”

            I looked up absentmindedly to Melissa, who sat across me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my cereals. “Good morning to you, too.”

            “Melissa! That’s not a way for you to greet your sister,” Mom scolded her as she placed a plate full of bacon and eggs on the table.

            Melissa rolled her eyes. “Okay then. You sly lucky bitch.”


            I chuckled and grabbed a piece of bacon. “What’s up, Melissa?”

            “When would you tell me—Melissa Meyer, your loving sister—about your relationship with Mr. Garret Stone?”

            I shrugged. “You know now, don’t you?”

            “Well, yes. But you know what I mean! Why haven’t you told me that you have some things going on with each other, huh? I never thought that you would end up with him! Not that I thought you’re ugly or something,” she added quickly, “but it’s just that you rarely hang out with guys except for Jasper.”

            I shrugged again. “It just… happened.”

            “Oh come on, you and Garret didn’t just happen. Something happened! I’m guessing he’s the reason why you disappeared,” she said wickedly, raising an eyebrow at me arrogantly.

            I almost choked on my cereal. Seriously, who would ever think that Melissa would be the first one who guessed it? She’s never the brightest star in the sky… But instead of nodding in confirmation, I just smiled at her. “Of course not. That’s impossible.”

            “But that’s the only reason I can think of!”

            “Uh, how about we’re Biology partners and we actually spend time with each other during those times?”

            “But you never meet up for Biology projects or whatsoever!”

            I rolled my eyes and continued eating my cereals. My sister could be smart when she wanted to.

            Mom looked up at me, smiling in a weird way. “So… are you going to bring him over tomorrow?”

            “Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?”

            “Melanie!” Melissa gasped. “What the hell? It’s Mom’s birthday tomorrow!”

            I dropped the spoon on my bowl as my eyes shot up to meet my mother’s hurt look. Holy crap, I’ve forgotten about my mom’s birthday! Because of the things that happened—with Garret and the vampires—I never stopped to check the days of the month.

            “Oh my God, Mom, I’m so, so sorry!” I apologized.

            “It’s okay,” Mom said dismissively. “But don’t forget about my gift.”

            I bit my lip again. Oh shit, the gift! It would take me decades—no, centuries—just to look for something my mom would approve. No offense, but my mom is rather… um, a picky person.

             “Yeah, I won’t.”

            “So are you going to bring Garret tomorrow?” she pressed.

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