When they act extra

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Jason was being extra as fuk. Why? He claimed he saw a mouse. Now he was on the table.
  "Jason get off the table!! There isn't any mice in here!" You explain for the hundredth time.
  "NAW! THAT MOUSE TRYNA GET IT!" He yells, holding his machete close. You roll your eyes and get the broom.
  "What cabinet is it in jookie?" You ask, he points to the one under the sink. You slowly open the cabinet and sigh.
  "Jason there isn't a mouse in there"


Damn he's extra. He added to much hot sauce on his taco and now he's having a mother frickin fit. You tried to get him to eat it anyways but he claims it to be a death trap. You tasted it, and you tasted no spice.
  "Freddy, I can't even taste it, please eat-" he interrupted your sentence.
  "Nope! To much frickin spiciness!" He yells, pushing his plate away.
  "Why do you always have to have fits?!" You ask, picking up his plate.
  "Why do you!-.....UGH I GOT NOTHING!!!" He yells, getting up. You smirk and take a bite of the taco.
  "Boi you do to much"


  "Oh damn she's beautiful" you heard Billy mutter. You raise an eyebrow and start to get jelly. He's been on his phone for about five minutes, and you think he's looking at other peoples pics. You didn't think anything of it, until he started being extra.
  "Oh my gosh I'm in looove!!!" He exclaims, a scrolling through his phone.
  "Omg she's so sexyyyyy" he keeps scrolling. You roll your eyes and cross your arms. Until one comment-
  "Damn Imma Marry this fine lady!!" He yells, and you snatch his phone away. You look at his phone and face palm. He was looking at pictures of you. Billy bursts out laughing as you throw the phone at him.
  "Boi you play too much!"


  "Norman honey, it's fine" you assure. He was kind of going off about a wrinkle in his favorite shirt. He was kind of shouting about how it was "horrendous" and "terrifying"
  "(Y/N)! I messed it up and the wrinkle won't come out!!!" He yells in a panic. You roll your eyes at his actions. Flipping a page in your book he panics more. He rapidly unfolds it and lays it out. Trying to iron it.
  "(Y/N), honey, it's broken!" He hits the iron slightly with his hand. You sigh and get up, walking over and plugging the iron up. "Oh..." He mumbles. You walk off chuckling, loving your silly baby boy 😂💕.

Leather face

  "Thomas, no, put it down" you say sternly. Thomas looks to the chocolate bar in his hand, and drops it onto the table. For the past ten minutes he's been trying to take it, but you assure him that he can have it after he eats real food. He wasn't having ANY of it. Every time you turned your back, he tries to take it again. You were tired of scolding him, so you took it from the table and placed it into your apron pocket. Now Thomas did NOT like that.
  He turns around and folds his arms, indicating he didn't like your actions.
"I'm sorry Bubba, I had too" you assure. He taps his foot loudly. "If you're gonna throw a fit go ahead, I'm your girlfriend not your momma" you laugh. He thinks about that for a moment. And places his hands on his hips. You smile and turn back to the stove. "if you'd stop acting extra I'd let you have it" you place a stirring spoon down and walk towards him. You wrap your arms around him in a hug, he gives up and hugs you back.
  You two hug for a good minute, then you turn away and back to the stove. Feeling your pockets feel a bit lighter, you look at him. And see the chocolate bar in his hands. "THOMAS!!!" You yell. He's gone before you even blinked.


  "Michael noooooooo" you giggle as the taller male pushes a bag into your arms. He hasn't said a word, he just kept giving you stuff. (don't ask where he got it, I don't even fucking know 😂) you two had a playful conversation the other day about acting out and spoiling each other. So today, randomly,  he spent today giving you random shit.
  "Michael! Stop it!" You yell playfully as he attacked you in a hug. "you're acting extra!" He picks you up into his arms and spins you around. 
  "I have to make sure you're spoiled" he claims.
  "Well this is to much! It's enough XD"
  "Enough is never enough!"


He doesn't have a reason to act extra 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.


  "No! You need to get it checked out!" Your very worried girlfriend yelps. Earlier you tripped on the last stair of your staircase and twisted your ankle.
  "Carrie, baby doll, I'm fine" you assure with a laugh.
  "No, you're going to a doctor!" She exclaims. You lean back in your chair and smile at her worried actions. "why are you so CALM?" She asks. You chuckle.
  "Baby doll, it's cute to see you so worried, plus all I really need to get better is yooou" she sighs and sits next to you.
  "Well fine" she crosses her arms.
  "Thanks for worrying about me, hun"
  "Hey, anytime you meanie.."


  "NO! NO! THATS BULL SH#T!" Samara shouts at the television. Someone on one of her favorite shows just admitted to thinking they were ugly. "YOURE AWESOME, FUCKING AWESOME!!!" She hops up on to the couch and jumps up and down. You look at her from the other seat and shake your head. "FREAKING BELIEVE ME!!!!" She shouts. 
  "This is what I live with" you mumble, sipping your tea. The tea was nice, but you had to get a new TV.


She broke her nail. Your hiding under a table. Shes now throwing stuff. This is your last cry for help.

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