What were their thoughts after meeting you?

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-Mama likes her. She's pretty. She seems good. I hope we can be friends, or maybe even more. Her hairs pretty.


-what can I say? That bitch was funny. And cute- nah, hot. I wonder if she likes pudding. I like pudding- okay aside from that, she seems decent.


-omg bae. she's pretty. And she invited me in. Was she crazy or delusional? I dunno. She's cool, and funny. She likes scary movies, that's a plus. I wonder if bae likes anime.


-she's interesting. Mother is curious about her. She's quite beautiful. I think she's nice, I needed the help around the motel, and that smile! I couldn't say no.


-she's weird. But bubbly. Pretty. Like a puppy. You want to shut her up and take her home at the same time. Very very veryyyyyyy odd.


-interesting. She's nice. Unlike most people her age. I didn't wanna kill her. Something that beautiful needed to live in my opinion

-Why can't everyone else be like her.  she's nice. And....very pretty. Mama says liking people of the same gender is a sin, but I personally don't care. I finally found a friend, it doesn't matter the gender, or preference, everyone's human.

-Miss (Y/N) is an interesting person. She has a few disorders, but that doesn't matter. She's a lovely lady, and has many interests like mine. I do hope we can get to know each other.

-Umm how to say this? Uh, hot. I've watched her for seven days, she's funny as fuck. I loooove her humor, it's dark and hilarious. Hopefully she'll like me.

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