When its that time of the month

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You: Sleepy, very sleepy. Requires minimum amount of attention. Goes through the days normally as possible without being tired.

Him: Knows he doesn't understand but tries to be there for you all week. Takes you flowers and makes sure you get plenty of rest and attention.


You: a bit moody, more sarcastic. You couldn't care less for attention. You try not to bug Freddy.  But you do bug him or pudding every now and again.

Him: whatever. Remembers to give you pudding. "At least you're not fucking pregnant 😂"


You: bit more affectionate. You want more attention than usual but try not to be all clingy. Naps all day.

Him: confused AF, but tries to be there for you as much as he can. Buys you Tylenol and strawberries. If you guys are out somewhere, he let's you wrap his jacket around your waist so you'll feel better and more secure.


You: doesn't phase you much, but you have the munchies every now and again. Requires normal amount of attention. Basically your normal self.

Him: doesn't worry about it and makes sure you're okay. Probably keeps track of every week you have it tbh😂. ..*dab*


You: y o u d o n t c a r e. Normal self 😂, same attention, all so Thomas doesn't worry to much.

Him: d o e s n t - r l l y - k n o w. So yeah.


You: a bit more crabby than usual. You don't really like attention when you're on your monthly. Quick hug and you're gone😂. Napping all day so it'll be gone quicker.

Him: *Shrug*. Doesn't really avoid you but leaves you alone when you want to be alone. Leaves you chocolate and ginger ale(or Sprite or something, idc)  on your table UwU.


You: kind of more hyper. Bit more clingy. Stupid smiles and corny jokes come with this week. Constantly humming while cleaning the house.

Him: completely aware at all times. Gives you loads of attention. Probably leaves you candy, pain pills, and notes before he leaves for work.



You: a w a r e, and mostly a worry wart. You try and give hER more attention. Making sure she's okay before you are.

Her: same, a w a r e, still a newbie but tries to cope with it better. Enjoys your company and knows you understand.


You: hAAAAh. pokerface, and very derpy/silly. Silent cuddles UwU. "Yooooooo, you can get past something, you can present something, but you can't future anything"

Samara: * e x t r e m e s h r u g*


You: tbh, you're a bit bitchy. Noy needy at all. Y'all avoid each other mostly but end up snuggling.

Her: same, bit more bitchy. Needy isn't in her vocabulary at the moment. Cheetos help both her & you cope.

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