Revenge feels so good...

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Its been two weeks since I've went to school. After Brittney beat me that day I've been scared to even go outside thinking that she'll attack. When i got home that day I cleaned my self up and went to bed about two hours later my mom came home and noticed my busted lip she asked me what happened I just lied and told her that I fell playing gym. Then she told me she would be gone for a whole month and I'm gonna be staying here alone. I wanted to beg her and say don't leave me here all alone I'm she was going to attack again, but i just kept my mouth shut. That's why i haven't been going to school, my mom isn't here to force me to go.

Today i decided to finally go outside and go jogging. That always helped me release my stress. While jogging I passed by two couples arguing because the lady caught her boyfriend talking to another woman and she got mad and ended up cursing the lady out. Talk about dejavu.

After my two hour jog i got home and took a cold shower since there was nothing to do around the house I decided to watch some t.v. I fell asleep and had a dream that my house caught on fire and the only person that was there to save me was Jacob, then he got burned and before he died whispered "I'm sorry" I jumped from couch soaked in sweat, gasping for air. After a few seconds of heavily breathing I realized there was banging on the door. I got up and opened the door slowly " fin the fucking ly jaimee" ( i don't know why but i always say that). It was crystal and shay.

Me: hey?

Crystal: can we come in? We've been standing here for five minute banging on the door, now my hands hurt

Me: yeah umm sure, how'd you guys know where i live?

Shay: *quietly* Jacob


Me: oh...

Crystal: OH MY GOD!!! Jaimee what happened to you?

Me: long story... What are you guys doing here? I thought that you guys weren't talking to me.

Shay: we're sorry Brittney told us not to talk to you.

Me: makes more sense (sarcasm) so you guys stop talking to me cause of Brittney?

Crystal: well yeah were sorry. And why haven't you've at school missy? And you still haven't told me what happens to you face.

*sigh* I told them everything that happened, crystal sat there and cupped her mouth while shay sat there and cried. I felt bad for myself to even sit here an tell them what happened so I started to shed some tears to.

Crystal: don't cry. It will be ok.

Me: no it won't.

Shay: yes it will, i can't believe Brittney would do that to someone.

Me: I should've listened to you crystal. I should have stayed away from Jacob, gosh im so fucking stupid.

Shay/crystal: no you're not l. I didn't know she would even go this far I mean she has called girls names and threatens them but I wouldn't Think she would do something physically to.someone.

shay: does Jacob know about this?

Me: yeah he saw me after Brittney beat me. And he drove me home. He said he would talk to her.

Shay: well it doesn't look like they're mad at each other jacob has been treating Brittney like a princess.

Me:hmmmmm... Can we not talk about this?

Shay: let's sing

Me/crystal: o.O

Shay: im sorry that's the first thing that came in mind.

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