Chapter 3

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Once I got home I walked up to my room and threw my keys on my desk. I went into my bathroom and took out my contacts and washed out my hair dye. Yes you read that correctly I wear colored contacts to hide original eye color and I wear temporary hair dye to mask my blondish brown hair normally have hazel/blue eyes but my contacts make them green. After that I changed into some workout gear, put my hair up,grabbed my iPod, phone and grabbed my keys to leave. "You going to the gym now?" Ugh I forgot he would be home by now! That my friends, is the legendary idiot of the family. My brother Matt. He has the same color hair as me and green eyes. He does take care of himself I guess, that's what makes girls want him and that makes him seem to think he has to have them ALL.

"Yeah Matt, I'm meeting up with John to train some more for my fight on Friday." I replied back to him and I turned to grab my headphones. Oh by the way, John is my trainer if you haven't pieced that together by now. This fight is an underground one though so I don't tell anyone but Matt and Bec. Lance and my parents know that I fight, but just not underground fighting. "Okay be safe! And I'm having Lance over so don't get in our business when you get back, got it?" He practically growled at me! What the heck! "Matt this isn't the first time Lance has been over and even when he is I don't lat attention to you guys anyway. I try to keep my sanity and stay away from you two." With that I slammed my door shut, ran down the stairs and left the building people! Alex Parker style!!!!

When I got to the gym I walked through the door and was immediately blindsided and nearly fell to the ground. Suddenly though I felt a pair of strong arms grab my waist and pull me to them. I looked up st the person and gasped inaudibly. It couldn't be!?

You've got to be kidding me!!

Ladies and gentleman....

Damien Clark.

He looked at me and chuckled. "You sure you're in the right place darling?" Are you serious!? He's mocking me now? Does he even know who I am!? "Yes I know where I am!" I wretched myself out of his arms. He just smirked at me and stuck out his hand, "names Damien, Damien Clark. You?" I hesitantly grabbed his hand and shook it, "Shadow." "You're name is Shadow?" This time I'm the one who chuckled. I always get this question when I'm not in the ring. "Yes its my street name." I told him but he still was persistent. "So what's you're real name then?" I just smirked at that and walked away, I looked over my shoulder and he was still looking at me. "Shadow!!" A guy about 23 came into my view. "Johnnyboy!!!" I yelled and did our handshake that we always do. "How've you been kid?" He grinned. He always calls me kid or Shadow, I used to hate being called kid but I've gotten used to it over the years. "Pretty good! Same as always! " I grinned back. "Well let's get training then! Come on."

After training I was like a huge waterfall of sweat. It was utterly disgusting. I got home as soon as I could and walked through the door on my way to my heavenly mouthwatering that sounded really weird.. "Well hello miss beauty queen. Aren't you just looking gorgeous today? Loving the new look!" Lance teased with a wink in my direction. "Oh shut it Lance!" I gritted back to him as I walked up the stairs and got into the shower. I washed my hair and body, shaved too and then got out. I changed into some sweats and a tank top then went downstairs for some food.

I walked into the kitchen just as Matt was raising the popcorn and beer. "I thought I told you to stay in your room tonight? And how was training?" He asked me as he put the bag in the microwave. I swiped one of his beers off the counter and popped the top off to take a sip, while he scowled at me and got another out of the fridge.

I smiled innocently at him but then smirked, "You never said I had to stay in my room. Just to and I quote this,'stay out of our business.'" I said in my best manly voice. He cracked a smile at this. "Also training was great! John worked with me on this new move that I hope to use this Friday."

*Beep Beep Beeeeeep*

Matt took the popcorn out of the microwave and put that on the counter while he put another bag in. Stupid stupid stupid. I smirked inwardly and while he wasn't looking I swiped his popcorn too and walked into the living room where I found Lance on the conch or should I say edge of the couch. The was playing the newest COD game that Matt got yesterday at like midnight. It was the new releasing or something of that nature and so he had to get it. So he went at midnight. He must get that from the parents because no did not get that gene. I love my sleep, in fact I need it! And if you even try to wake me up I probably have already planned on killing you already. So long story short... I'm not a morning person.

"Alex! Dammit! Give me my-you know what? Never mind..." I hear Matt make more popcorn. Obviously he didn't find that other bag which is currently bring eaten by muah.

I heard a chuckle and whipped my head to the couch where I remembered Lance was here. Yes its sad that I forgot him already isn't it? "What'd you do this time shortie?" Ugh I hate it when he calls me that!!

I scowled at him, "Would you NOT call me that!!" He puts his finger on his chin and pretends to think about it. "Hmm no. It suits you." I gritted my teeth but didn't say anything. That didn't stop me from punching him in the shoulder which I received a "dang girl! Don't do that!" From him which I smiled at smugly.

As I sat down in the recliner Matt came in and groaned. "You aren't going to leave are you?.." I popped some popcorn in my mouth and smiled, "nope!" I popped the 'p.' He groaned but didn't say more and sat next to Lance on the couch who gave him another controller. I watched them play and we talked for awhile and then I got bored.

I stood up, "I'm going to bed guys, night." They just mumbled s response and continued. I walked upstairs and into my room. Since I had changed earlier I just collapsed into bed and fell asleep. But as nature would have it...

My phone rang... UGH I WILL KILL THEM!


"What's up with you cranky?"

"Becca?! You of all people should know not to call me when I'm asleep!"

She just giggled, "oh right.. Oops!" I could just imagine her shrugging her shoulders now.

"Whatever. What did you want?"

"OH! YES!"

"calm down woman. Can't be that important! Unless you're pregnant can't this wait till tomorrow?" I thought about that for a second then panicked. "Please tell me your not pregnant!! I mean sure I'd love to have kids some day and so would you but not now! Girl you can't be! Please this has to be a--"

"Would you shut up! I am not pregnant! Stop rambling!

I was so relieved. Phew! "Okay then what is this about?" I asked her.

"Well guess what I found out!"



"Just tell me."

"No just guess!"

Well did you see what flew out the window? Yeah that was my patience. "BECCA JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU FUCKING FOUND OUT!"

"Fine fine! Damien Clark fights!"

......."so this is important to call me at a ridiculous time of night whyyyy?"

"Because you fight and maybe you will fight him!"

I groaned, "Bec I doubt I'll fight him. I am a high ranked fighter and plus even if I do he won't recognize me anyway. Now goodnight!" I hung up and plopped back into bed.

Its not even possible for me to fight him.



Yay!!! I'm gonna writing spree right now! Thank you guys so much for the comments, votes and views!!!! I'm on vacation right now so I have some time to write more! Who's your favorite character right now??


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Love y'all!!!! ❤


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