Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Lance put his stuff in his locker also getting his keys. We went to the parking lot and got into his car driving off towards the gym. Okay so new plan. We were going to make sure John was okay while Lance was calling Matt now.

My hands were sweaty as I clenched them. Who knows how much they know about my life? Whenever a gang wants someone they go all out. I've learned that over time.

Lance pulled into the gym parking lot still on the phone with Matt, who by the yelling coming from the phone, wasn't happy. Well he's not the only one!

I couldn't be bothered to wait for Lance so I ran in and straight to John's office. I barged in without knocking and he jumped out of his chair. I would've laughed at the look of surprise on his face if it was a better situation. "What the hell Alex?! You scared me to death!"

I slammed my hands on his desk, "BTs are here." Just with those three words his eyes widened and he was speechless. "Drew is my " teacher" at school right now! He recognized me today and threatened me." Johns eyes widened with my words and he shook his head.

"How is that possible? Don't you have to have some teaching degree!?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "That isn't the point John! I'm not here to discuss the teaching strategies and college life of Drew. I'm here wondering what the fuck are we gonna do?"

"Well we can always get Seba-" I interrupted him, "Don't even say it! I am not going to HIM for help."

There was a knock on the door and the it opened revealing Lance. "Hey um sorry to interrupt, but Matt isn't answering his phone and I was gonna go over to your house and see if he's there."

I mentally rolled my eyes, Matt's probably sleeping. He always seems to sleep through anything important or when we need to get ahold of him. But then as soon as I tty to sneak out or sneak someone in then BAM! He is all of a sudden awake and ready for action. Brothers..geesh!

Nodding at Lance, I waved goodbye to Jon and we left for home. Or well my home.


"Matt!" "Yo man!" We both ran upstairs into his room. Well what do you know. Our little Matty is sleeping. Looking at Lance I put a finger to my lips and motioned downstairs. Nodding he followed me with a quick glance back at our sleeping beauty.

Once downstairs, I quickly walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the ice out of the freezer and then grabbed two buckets; one for me and one for Lance. You can probably assume what happens next..

"What the hell!?!" I knew better and jumped back to the door. Lance did not and now is on the ground with an angry and cold Matt about to pummel him. I quickly dried my tears of laughter and stopped Matt.

"Matt we have an emergency." He looked at me as if I grew three heads and said he's the weird one.

"How does that involve throwing ice water on me?"

"It doesn't. But it is about the BTs."

He immediately sobered up and got off Lance. "What about them?"

I bite my lip, "well Drew, you remember the second in command? Well he's my new teacher at school."

"WHAT!" I knew he'd blow up...


After I had finished telling Matt, Lance and John everything then we tried to make up a plan. I had invited John over while Matt had taken a shower.

"Well you're gonna have to act as though nothing is wrong. You can't risk your cover being blown." I looked at John like he's crazy but realize he is just stating facts.

"I know that, but its not gonna take long for them to do something if Drew is already here. I can already tell you that Adrien knows about this. Its how long it takes for something to happen is the thing.."

Matt jumped up, "Hey what about that Sebastian dude? Couldn't he help?" I gritted my teeth. Sebastian is in a gang that helped us out way back then, the Killers.

John looked at me as if I'd massacre everyone in the house. I rolled my eyes, "Sebastian isn't a high ranking member. So it wouldn't even matter, he couldn't help."

"Actually," John interrupted, "I had been digging up things after you left.. And Sebastian is second in command now. The old leader passed the leadership of the gang to his nephew and then he chose Sebastian as a second in command. The old second in command, what was it?.. Joey? Yeah Joey! Well he got killed in a drive by."

After that piece of news it was silent in the room. There was one question that bothered me though.."Who's the leader then?" John looked deep in thought for a second but then shrugged. "I actually have no clue. You know how protective their old leader was. He never told anyone his real name or involved his family."

Lance spoke up then, "Well how did it come about that his nephew is the new leader? I mean if he didn't involve family."

John stood up and walked to the kitchen but yelled over his shoulder, "No clue. Obviously he talked him into letting him be in gang business. That's about all I know."

I turned to Matt and Lance who were staring sat me. Shifting uncomfortably I asked, "what?"

"Well are you gonna call him?"

I raised an eyebrow at my brother, "Who?"

"SEBASTIAN!" I jumped as both of them yelled his name. "Geesh! Calm the fuck down. And I'm gonna think about it."

I stood up and and brushed the imaginary dust off my jeans. "What is there to think about though?" I chuckled at Lance and flicked his nose, "Things." Then I walked upstairs deep in thought.



So so so so sorry guys about late update!! I needed to brainstorm where I'm going with the story and how to exactly get there. But have no fear, for I've got ideas! Love you all!!





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