Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Nope not gonna happen." I shook my head looking at John.

"Come on A-" I widened my eyes and coughed loudly, "Shadow. He doesn't have a trainer because he moved so I volunteered."


"You," I pointed at John, "volunteered?" He nodded his head at me. Damien had kept silent the entire time so I turned to him, he was sporting a black T-shirt with basketball shorts and trainers. His shirt was tight enough that I could see a faint sight of his abs. Damn, even in that he looked good, what does it take for him to look bad?! "You wanna train with another fighter? Your okay with that?" To me that's really stupid because what happens if you have to fight the person? You don't get to pick who you fight.

He looked down at me and shrugged, "I really don't mind. I know you're an adequate fighter so you won't hold me back as much as anyone else." He smirked and John laughed. I glared at both of them and John tried to cover his laughter with coughing...

"Adequate?! I'm a damn good fighter and you know that. Stay out of my way if you know what's good for you!" I pointed my finger at him then went to a bag.


After practice I went to grab my duffel to get my water. Surprisingly Damien didn't talk a lot and I'm glad for that!

"So when's your next fight?" I turned to Damien and walked to the drinking fountain. "Tuesday." I out the bottle up to the water and filled it while talking to him. Just then I heard loud laughter come from the doorway to the gym. We both turned to look and saw two guys coming in with street clothes. One had blonde hair and was wearing dark jeans, a dark blue tshirt and a leather jacket. While the other was dark brown haired and was wearing light blue jeans with a light blue shirt.

"Hey man!" The blonde one came up to Damien and they bro hugged or whatever you call it. "Hey, what you doing here?" Damien then gave the same bro whatever you call it hug to the brown haired one. "We were gonna head to Jakes house and wanted to know if you were gonna come too. And who is this hottie?" I nearly looked behind me but stopped myself. Damien chuckled and introduced us.

"Guys this is Shadow. Shadow this is_" pointing to the blonde one, "Jared and_" he pointed then to the brown haired one, "Blake." I nodded my head as a greeting and looked at the clock. Dannnng it's already noon!? I went and grabbed my duffel, refilled my bottle and then left. I know it may seem rude to just leave without saying bye or anything but eh! That's just how Shadow rolls. Also I just met them...


I pulled up into my driveway and got out. Grabbing my duffel and keys I walked up to the front door to put the key in. Since it was a Saturday no one was even home so I slammed the front door dropped my bag by the stairs and went to the kitchen for some grub. I grabbed a pan and a box of Mac & Cheese, filling the pan with water I set it on the stove top to boil. I walked into the den to turn the TV on and turned to Spongebob. Hey don't judge, Spongebob never gets old!

After about 10 min I walked into the kitchen and the water was boiling by then so I poured the macaroni in and stirred. After I made the dish I out some in a bowl and sat in the den and watched TV.

I heard a door slam and footsteps pounding down the stairs fast. "Shit!" Then I heard a crash. You know when something happens sand then you remember that you kinds caused it by doing something? Well ha..funny story.. Remember that_

"Alex! What the hell!? Take care of your stuff and don't slam the door when I sleep!! Gosh you're 17 not 2 years old. Act like it please!" I stifled my laughs as Matt stormed into the den and threw my duffel at me (which I deflected like a pro!) And then he stormed into the kitchen.

"Ooo macaroni!" Okay he just gets done telling me my age and then he goes and squeals like a little girl over macaroni!? Bipolar! Bipolar boy I tell you! I shook my head in amusement and finished my food in my thoughts. Such as why the heck do I have to train with Damien now!? Can't he go to a different gym? What if he finds out who I am, what am I gonna do then? I can't switch gyms because my manager for both MMA and underground is John and he can't switch gyms because he owns that gym! Seriously why'd Damien have to come back. He just made my life even more complicated, I've never had someone not know my secret when they are seeing both of my identities. I guess I'll have to be even more careful and make sure to stay away from him.


The weekend went by fast and now its the sad truth...


Which means school and more idiots...


I slammed my locker shut and turned to Becca. I had just been telling her everything this happened this past weekend and she gave me her sympathy. "That's really gonna be hard now. At least you probably won't have to fight him than." Yeah I guess I won't have too. Aldo I hadn't even thought of that I wouldn't have to anyway since he's not even in the same weight class as me. Mentally smacking myself as I think of that now.

We walking into chemistry and took our seats. Ad usual Damien wasn't here as of yet so I put my bag in his seat. Not a minute later the bell rang and Mr. Olson still wasn't here. Feeling a bump to my chair I turned around to look at Becca. 'Where is he?' She mouthed, I shrugged and mouthed 'no idea.' Just then the door opened, but instead of Mr. Olson it was....


So here's Chapter 8 peoples!! Tell me whatcha think. Noe the idea I had in the beginning is starting to develop more so hopefully its s little less boring and slow. Also just to make it clear== Alex has feelings but is more of a secret badass and sarcastic. But she does show feelings unlike Shadow.

Shadow=== she doesn't show feelings when she is being Shadow. It would have to be something big for Shadow to show feelings.

But now that that is straight! What do you think of the book so far??

Love you guys!!

Please please please!!!



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