Chapter 10

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After dinner all of us kids were forced into Manuel labor. Two words...


Maybe that's one word actually... But whatever the main point is that it was torture!!

I was washing the dishes while Lance was drying and Matt was putting them away.

Actually it went- I was washing the dishes while Lance was whipping the towel at Matt and I, and Matt was using the dishes as a shield.

And I'M supposed to be the troublesome child?! PUH-lease!

I scraped the food off the plate then rinsed it putting it onto the pile of dishes needing to be dried.

"So Lance." I started.

"So Alex." I mock glared at him but continued what I had been asking. "Why are you here?" I guess that sounded more harsh than what was intended...

He put a hand to his chest in mock sadness, "what? Do you not want me here Alexis darling? You break my heart." I rolled my eyes and flicked water at his face. "You know what I mean!"

He walked over to Matt and slung an arm around his shoulder, "Well I heard about this little family night fiasco. I was already gonna come over so I decided to come anyway. Plus you know me so well, don't you just think of me as the attractive older brother? Hmm?"

"Attractive older brother? Even if you were my brother that's just gross to think of you as attractive then."

He leaned toward and raised an eyebrow, "so what I'm heading is if I wasn't like a brother to you then you'd find me attractive."

Can I smack him now? Apparently Matt had heard enough to because he pushed Lance into the sink, "Dude that's my sister! Watch what you say."

He chuckled but went back to his version of drying.


The next morning I had decided to go for a jog and I just got back to see breakfast on the table. "Good morning Alex dear!"

I looked up from my phone and smiled, "Morning Mom." Running up the stairs I took a shower in my bathroom and got dressed for the day. I went downstairs, ate breakfast then drove to school.

___skip car ride____

I parked my car. Yes I do have a car! I got out and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat. Shutting the door I locked it then walked into the school.

I put in my locker combo. 23-7-28 and it popped open. I don't have that clean a locker so I just shove my bag in, grab my math book and wish for the locker to actually close.

"Hey Alex!" I turned and came face to face with Becca. "Hey Becca!" We hugged and then the bell rang. Turning to Becca I nodded a greeting and then was off to math. Ugh great! I hate math.


2x(8x² - 72⅝²) + 8q(9x² - 5x³)= uhhhhhhh this is supposed to be the time where my smartness comes in... Yeah no. I decided to pick my nail polish instead.

Poke* What? Poke* I turned to Lance who was about to poke me again with his pencil. I snatched his pencil in lightning speed and broke it in two. Slamming it on his desk in front of him, "Don't poke me." Looking him in the eye all he did was pout. "Awww man that was my only pencil Alex! Really? Couldn't you just ask what like a normal person?" He gave me another pout. Normal person? I turned and looked him in the eye, "Since when have I been normal?..." He rose an eyebrow and smirked at me with amusement in his eyes. "Yea I guess you're right on that." I chuckled with him and looked down at my worksheet. Rolling my eyes I began on my nails again.

"Need help?" From the corner of my eye I saw Lance watching me.

Yes, I need help. But I'm sure as heck not admitting it! Especially to you. "Nope." I popped the p.

His smirk seemed to grow, "Then why aren't you working?" Uhhhhh. Good question. "I'm waiting for the right time." He looked at me amusedly, "When would the right time be? Never?" I looked up at him and quirked an eyebrow. "I will do it. Just not now and not here." He chuckled but continued on with his work.

Okay now!

2x(8x² - 72⅝²) + 8q(9x² - 5x³)= awww shiz.


Once the bell rang I can assure you that I was the first one out of there. I grabbed my chemistry book from my locker then went to the room. I had a weird feeling in my stomach but I think it was from having barely any breakfast. I'm not a morning person and I usually don't have breakfast.

Walking into the room, Mr. Sterling looked up at me then down at his desk. I shrugged and walked to my desk. I have never been so surprised in my life! Note the sarcasm...

There in his seat was Damien.

He was on time.. He's never on time. I felt an arm go around my shoulder and tensed up. "Hey you didn't wait for me." Becca pouted. What's up with people pouting today? Its like a craze! "Sorry I must've forgot. Sorry Bec." She just nodded and sat in her seat as did I.

The bell rang and I faced forward from talking to Becca. "Class attention." Everyone quieted down and gave Mr. Sterling their attention. "A couple weeks back you turned in an essay and Mr. Olson apparently never handed them back. So I will do that. As I say your name please come and get your paper. The rest of you do your assignment on the board."

He started to call off peoples names one by one. Looking up at the board it just told us to read pages 256-275. I opened my book to start when Mr. sterling called my name. I glanced up at him then got up to get it. He stood there and seemed to be looking at my essay. Did I fail it? I'm not great at chemistry but I didn't think I was that bad! "Good work Parker." I stood stunned and grabbed the paper. As I took the paper our finger brushed and I looked up into his eyes.


AWWWW did they have a moment!!!!??!

HEY GUYS!!! Here's chapter 10! Hope you like it!!




love you!!!!❤


The FightersOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara