Chapter 3

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The last thing I expected was to see my father. They had told us he would die beyond the pack borders after he had escaped.

"I knew it"


"what kind of wolf betrays their Alpha?"

The whole pack was murmuring in anger. They thought we were in on this? I felt my stomach turn inside of me like I would be sick.

"Derek! You're alive?" my mother looked like she was about to faint

My father came over to us looking at my wounds with concern "I'm so sorry" he said about to wrap me in his arms. I pushed away from him in fear of being associated with him. My wolf was anxiously pacing back and forth and I could feel the air thickening in resentment towards my mother and I.

"Kat, you don't understand" he said shaking his head in frustration. "We're trying to help"

"Help?! YOU LEFT US" my mother screeched at him pushing his chest away from us "You coward! The pack won't accept us, the alpha tied up our daughter and was about to kill her!" she cried hitting him over and over in the chest.

"Enough" I heard a loud booming voice. I pulled my mother away from attacking my father and cradled her to my chest for comfort. She was a mess. My shoulder throbbed and ached as I wrapped my arms around her.

The alpha had stepped off the porch and was now heading right towards us. I've never seen anyone so tall or muscular before. The thought of upsetting him seemed like it would be suicide.

"You will both come with us" he commanded as he looked at my mother then his eyes came to me and lingered.

His constant attention on me was starting to form knots in my stomach. I wasn't much to look at. I had been so stressed lately my face and body showed it. My dark hair was dull, my skin sallow and dry , and my muscle tone was depleting with my sense of hunger. Everything had changed when my father abandoned us.

Derek nodded and sadly looked at us "I'm sorry Giselle, Kat... It's for your own safety."

What? Leave the pack. I looked around at the people I had grown up with, the only people I knew in life. But when I looked around at the familiar faces, all I saw was angry sneers and threatening growls.

They thought we were in on it. They thought we were part of the invasion to seek revenge for the mistreatment we had almost grown accustomed to.

My wolf whimpered in pain at the thought of being considered an outsider. After months of clinging to the slightest bit of hope at redemption, my father showing up for us with an army of wolves sealed our fate with the pack. It was over.

"Please" My father begged us "They will kill you if you stay"

"Yes, because of you" I told him coldly. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. They would kill us if we stayed. I looked over to my mother who was looking around worriedly glancing at the pack.

"I don't think we have any other options" I whispered to her watching her reaction carefully

After a few seconds she nodded her head agreeing to leave.

"I want to bring my herbs." She said weakly

I looked past my father unable to even look at him I was so angry. My eyes landed on the hazel green eyes belonging to the Alpha. His eyes traced down from my face focusing on the open wounds on my wrists.

"Lead the way" he said in response to my mother.

Almost 1 hour later we arrived back at our house. My mother quickly packing the essentials in a large duffel bag.

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