Chapter 9

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Becca, Cheyenne, and I were jogging towards the trail we had been running every morning for the past week. The training Cayden had set us up with was mostly focused on escaping an attack instead of hand to hand. He explained that against even an adequate male fighter, we had more of a chance of survival just learning how to disable someone long enough for an escape.

This morning I couldn't seem to focus on the conversation Becca and Chey were having, my thoughts kept going back to the moment that had changed everything between Reid and I. The memory of his hands on me, his lips kissing mine.. it was enough to drive me crazy. Mostly, because I couldn't let it happen again.

To make things worse, it seemed like it was all he could do to recreate that moment between us. Every night after dinner, I would quickly retreat upstairs or to the study. No matter how hidden I thought I was from him, it was still his house, and he was the alpha. So when he would walk through the door without a knock or invitation, I couldn't say anything. What could I do? Stand up and walk out?

It's not like I didn't want to see him. I was desperate for him really - and that scared me. What if he did find his mate and I had allowed us to go down this path? I didn't need a setback after all I had been through.

"What's it like when you find your mate?" I interupted their conversation

Chey smiled her face lighting up as she glanced at Becca. "It's like finding your soulmate" Chey said

I frowned in confusion. "But what does it feel like? How do you know for sure it's your mate?"

"Well, when I first realized it was Cayden, I was just sort of trembling with like a cold sweat. I know that sounds gross but it was intense. All of the sudden he went from being a friend to the only one. I was speechless for the first time in my life. It was all I could do to even stand there in front of him." she sighed "and the way he smelled.. I couldn't get close enough. I think it had been a few days before we left his bedroom" she giggled

I smiled at her wondering what it must have been like. Cheyenne was eyeing me with a concerned look on her face.

"It's not always about the finding part.. everyone is different you know. I would say the best part is just the every day love you have, and just knowing that you would do anything for your mate.. " Chey finished. I didn't miss the pity that flashed through her eyes when she looked at me

I slowed to a stop feeling the air burn through my lungs. I walked back and forth with my hands on top of my head as I struggled to bring enough air in. "Do you think I have a mate?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. Everyone does.." Becca answered right away

I glanced at Chey who was staring at the mark on my arm. Her eyes met mine and even though she didn't say it, I knew what she was thinking. She didn't think I had a mate. I already had a mark on my arm, the mark that was supposed to only be from your soul mate.

As if Cain hadn't robbed enough from me now I find out that he's taken my entire future?


I took off running back towards the house leaving Becca and Chey call out after me. But nothing could stop me. I knew what had to be done. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was in a good place. This was where I could be who I wanted to be and not cower in fear. I could live my life the way I wanted to and it starts with saying good bye to the past.

I jogged up the stairs and grabbed my back pack stuffing it with a few sets of clothes. I didn't know where I was going or how long of a journey it was. I grabbed my grandmas quilt and took a thermos for water.


I spun around at the sound of his voice. My dad stood in the doorway looking at me in concern. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" his voice sounded desperate.

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