Chapter 5

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Everything around me felt frozen in time, surreal, and completely out of my control. I was running so fast, my feet were barely touching the ground.

I could smell his anger, his vengeance chasing me. He felt so close, like his jaws were nipping at my heels. I couldn't risk even a glance over my shoulder.


No. Run. Just keep running! I urged my wolf. He was right behind us.


Suddenly my body was flat against the ground something pressing my shoulders into the dirt. I had my eyes squeezed shut refusing to look the devil in the eye before he killed me.


My eyes flew open and the cold colorless world around me was bathed in light and color. My skin felt hot and sweaty, my breathing labored. But I hadn't been running all night, just dreaming.

Hazel green eyes were above me pinning me to the mattress. Reid.

He was staring intensely down at me; studying my face for clues. I watched the muscles in his face moving as he clenched and unclenching his jaw. I stared into his eyes helpless held captive by their vivid color and deepness. A feeling of peace slowly started to numb the panicked state I was in and my heart beat returned to it's normal pace. I could breathe deeper now and was quickly returning back to my normal state.

Now all that's left was the almost painful feeling of embarrassment and self consciousness. His eyes traced down my jaw, neck, down to my chest.. I had thankfully worn my t-shirt and cotton shorts to bed. He was still leaning over me, his arms planted on the mattress on either side of me with his legs kneeling on the mattress.

A feeling in the pit of my stomach made me gulp at the nervous tight feeling growing in my throat. By the look in his eyes, he didn't want to wait for me to accept my fate. He wanted to take me right now. I turned my head to the side and squeezed my eyes shut, unable to look at him. My wolf was howling and whining trying to communicate something to me, but all I felt was hopelessness and my own weakness. I disgusted myself. I wouldn't even fight him.

"I can smell your fear" He said his words sounding hollow and emotionless

I didn't know how to respond. I opened my eyes the second he started moving. He pushed himself away from me, getting up and off the bed.

"We're going to have to fix that" he said in a lighter tone. He ran a hand through his hair and walked over to the bedroom door. "Your mother's having lunch downstairs and there's someone I want you both to meet."

"Lunch?" I asked surprised. I had gone to sleep around noon. How long did I sleep?

"Yeah, you slept for awhile.. Come on, I don't have much time before I have to get going" I sat up and nodded and pushed the blanket down. My body was definitely fully rested despite the panicked state I woke up in.

"I'll see you downstairs" he said before slipping out the bedroom door.

I quickly got out of bed and found my back pack and slowly unpacked my clothes in the dresser. The large wooden dresser had four drawers but my belongings barely filled even half of one. I was nervous to shower and be naked and completely defenseless in a foreign place. I slipped out of the bedroom and couldn't smell Reid inside. I found the bathroom and quickly showered and washed my body. After my 2 minute shower, I slipped on my jeans the only clean top I had left. The rest of them were covered in dirt or blood from my Beta.. well my previous Beta.

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