Chapter 6

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The next day came faster than I'd like. Much to my relief, there was no sign that Reid had been in bed or even inside the room. Everything was just as it was last night.

To say that I was self-conscious about him knowing the dark past I had with Cain was an understatement. My nerves were making my hands trembled as I helped Maggie with breakfast.

I could tell Maggie knew something was up. She had probably seen Reid storm out of the house last night with Boone following him.

After the chaos of the morning had settled, Maggie let the kids with the Beta's mate, Cheyenne, and asked my mother and I if we'd like to see the clinic.

Maggie moved slowly through town saying hello to every single person we passed. She was so warm and open with everyone. I yearned for that kind of relationship with a pack. By the way she was introducing my mother and I, she had made it seem like we were honored world renowned doctors who were new pack members. Usually in a group of people, I tended to be reserved and hide my emotions or show my submissive personality to not upset anyone. But something about the people here was different, they seemed more genuine in nature. I noticed that I wasn't the only smiling either, my mom looked almost carefree as she interacted with the other women in the pack.

By the time we made it to the clinic, it felt like we had met half of the pack.

The clinic was closed down ever since the last doctor had passed. Apparently she hadn't had any children and did not train an apprentice to officially take over.

"It's not much" Maggie sighed "But I think the both of you could make something of it."

"It's quite a project" my mom said picking up a blanket watching the dust cloud into the air "but it will be perfect with just a little work." This felt like a dream to be able to have our own clinic and be a part of the pack like this.

"You have lots of time" Maggie said happily "The both of you fit in so well here at Greenbrooke.. We're all hoping you stay" she said and glanced at me

"Well I'll leave you girls to it" she said "Lunch will be ready around 1"

"Thank you Maggie" I called out after her as she stepped out leaving my mother to begin our work.

We began in the operating room thinking that this would be the room most needed to be cleaned first if something were to happen. The rest of the day passed much too quickly but we managed to get the room completely cleared and cleaned out and as sterile as we could get it.

"Well.. we missed lunch" my mother laughed "Hopefully Maggie won't be offended"

"I'm sure she won't" I offered giving her a half smile

"So now that we're finally alone and out of the house.." my mother eyed me "what do you think so far?" she asked. She was wringing water out of a mop.

So many thoughts flooded my mind at once. I tried to focus and find out how to phrase a response but all I could get out was a shrug. It was Reid that mixed me up the most. My mind was full of fear, panic, and skepticism but at the same time the wolf in me was anxious and excited about everything. That side of me tended to be more hopeful and positive than my realistic humanity.

"What do you think?" I asked her hoping to gain further insight

"So far.. I love it" she said shrugging "compared to Fall River Mills, it's.. well you know" she laughed nervously.

"And what about you and dad?"

She sighed and shook her head "I don't know Kathryn. He's been trying to explain things." she shook her head "From what he's explained so far, he loves me but he's not in love with me.. or something like that. Like we aren't meant to be" she scoffed and tossed the mop in the small utility closet.

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