Chapter Three

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Beautiful cover by nonameisworkin Thanks so much :)

Chapters 3-4 were posted

His Game: Chapter Three

At 8 o'clock sharp, I pull into Joey's driveway. Of course I didn't need to get the address from her; I have Dino and Roger to find that stuff out. Roger found out within a few minutes where Joey lives, which is perfect for me.

If there's one thing I know girls like, it's when a guy goes 'out of their way' to learn things about them. It shows persistence. Shows they're interested.

There's the worry of it being seen as stalkerish, sure, but that tends to happen more with guys that aren't attractive. When you've got good looks, girls find it sweet. When you don't, you're looking at a restraining order. It's a sad reality, but it works in my favor since I fall into the former.

I glance around the neighborhood and scrunch up my face. I'm pretty sure I dated the girl who used to live in this exact house. Or at least one that looks eerily similar. Large, wood panel garage, stone exterior, short driveway, cobblestone sidewalk.

That is the exact same definition for every house on this street, though. In Chester Estates every single house looks the exact same. That's probably due to the fact most of these houses are simply rented out as opposed to ever bought.

I expect to have to wait for Joey, most girls tend to be a minute or two late, but Joey's front door opens the second the front wheel of my bike hits the pavement of her driveway. I smirk and get off, placing the helmet on the seat as I lean against my bike.

"You came out so soon, I didn't even get to come to the door and ask for you and then swoon your parents," I say as she walks towards me.

"I like to be on time," she says.

She reaches me, standing quite close and radiating a sense of confidence, and I check her out. She's wearing the same outfit from school, but I can tell she touched up her lipstick that began to fade as the day went on. I don't normally notice lips, mainly because they can all do the same thing, but with her lipstick hers are hard to avoid.

"I hope you don't mind the bike," I muse.

I barely hold back my smirk as I say it; nine out of ten times the girls see my motorcycle and freak out a little bit; both from excitement and fear. For almost every girl I've been with, my bike has been their first experience on a motorcycle.

Joey chuckles and casually flips some of her strawberry hair over her shoulder, reaching around me for the helmet. I quirk a brow as she puts it on, no questions asked and no struggle, sending me a smoldering look before effortlessly mounting my bike.

Damn, I hope she mounts me that way.

I smirk as I glance at her, "You have clearly ridden before."

She flips up the lens on the helmet to reply, "I have a my own."

My brows shoot up. She may not be the first to have no fear in riding, but she is the first to have her own. Most of the others that had no issue riding mine were used to being on their dads or their uncles.

"You've got a bike?" I ask.

"A Triumph Scrambler," she says with a small smirk.

At least this means we'll have something to talk about at dinner.

I drive us to my normal spot. Ricci Italian Cuisine. It's the same place I take every girl for our first date. Not only is the food phenomenal, but the restaurant itself is rather classy and it makes a good impression on the girls. Plus I get a hefty discount because my cousin Vinny is the owner.

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