Chapter Eight

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Want to say a huge thanks to anks19621 for the cover attached! It is very unique and I love the colors :)

His Game: Chapter Eight

We finally decide on one of the restaurants and pick what we want to eat. I can't remember the last time I had Chinese so I have no clue what to choose. Italian foods have been drilled into my brain so hard that I don't even know what a dumpling is.

Joey basically picks my meal for me, and I trust that she didn't order me some weird octopus shit.

"Do I get a tour of the house?" I smirk after she finishes ordering our food, "I know there's one room I'm dying to see," I say huskily, standing close enough to make her crane her neck to look up at me.

"And which one is that?" She asks with a tiny, flirtatious head tilt, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Oh I think you know," I breathe, eyeing her body.

"Well all you had to do was ask," she says, sexily tapping my chest before snaking her hand up and resting it at the base of my neck. Her touch sends chills down my spine and I lick my lips.

"I'd love to show you the living room!" She exclaims. Then she grabs my hand and tugs my frozen and rather upset figure after her.

Why do I always fall for that?

She leads me into a nice room, high ceiling and stone fireplace. There's a leather sectional that takes up the majority of the room and a discolored recliner in the corner, all facing a flat-screen TV sitting on a huge moving box that matches the moving boxes stacked in the corner of the room.

"Cozy," I comment.

She shrugs and sits down on the couch and I watch as it practically engulfs her figure. Must be soft.

"Clearly we haven't finished unpacking," she says, nodding to the boxes, "but after moving around so much you learn to just leave certain items in the boxes for the next move."

I frown slightly. Though it doesn't seem to bother her, I can't imagine moving around as often as she has is easy.

"You've never really had a permanent home then, have you?" I ask, making myself comfortable and sitting down next to her.

Joey glances at me and I see an easy going smile stuck to her ruby red lips, "Home is where the heart is, right?"

I just nod and choose not to press the topic, and a short ten minutes later the food arrives. Joey stands goes to the kitchen and grab her wallet, but I go to the door first and pay instead.

I don't usually pay for many meals with the girls I date, but it's not that big of a deal. The total was barely even $15. When Joey comes to the door and sees I already paid, I notice her pout.

"Thank you, but I could have gotten that."

I shrug and start back towards the living room with the food in hand, "You host, I pay. Though I still can't believe you like this stuff more than Italian."

I notice her smile from the corner of my eye, and then she disappears into the kitchen to find paper plates and plastic utensils for our meal. I lounge back and start unpacking the food, but suddenly Joey sprints into the room and snatches the remote.

"Jeopardy time," she says, sitting down and passing me my plate.

"You actually watch this show?"

She smirks as she clicks through the listings to find the right channel, "I've watched it for years. My dad and my brother are beasts, they tend to make me look like a fool."

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