Chapter Eighteen

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Cover attached made by Shyneepul Thanks a bunch!

Yes, I have FINALLY updated lol

His Game: Chapter Eighteen

Waking up was potentially the most difficult thing I have ever done. The school day starts officially at 8:30 in the morning since today is only Wednesday, and Joey and I didn't actually fall asleep until well past 3AM. Which means we're both going off of less than five hours of sleep, not to mention she'll likely be nursing a hangover.

I woke up a few minutes before her- for a second forgetting where I was. All I knew the moment I woke up was that I was on an uncomfortable couch, I wasn't home, and my neck was sore as hell from the position it was in.

Oh, and that there was a girl laying on me.

I was getting ready to get up and head back to my place like I usually do in this situation, but then I remembered that girl was Joey. I stopped in my tracks as she started to stir, holding my breath so that she didn't wake up, and settled back into the old couch so that she'd be comfortable.

My phone was in my back pocket, which I was unable to reach considering I was laying on it. And if I did go for it, I'd have to adjust my body which would totally have woken Joey up. So I opted not to get it.

I'm not a creep or a stalker or anything weird, but after I remembered it was Joey snuggled against me and I realized I wouldn't be able to play on my phone, I laid there for another half hour just watching her sleep.

Joey always has such an heir of confidence to her, never a hint of vulnerability in her expression, but sleeping...she looked utterly peaceful and undoubtedly happy. After a night of watching her dance so seductively, it was oddly calming and alluring to see her in such a cute state.

"Goofball, are you going to get out of the car?"

I'm taken completely from my thoughts as Belle reaches over and tugs on my sleeve. I blink a few times to focus on the present and send her a smile, opening my door to get out as she follows.

"What were you thinkin' about?"

I chuckle and throw my backpack over my shoulder, "Nothing, Belle."

No need to tell anyone about that little daydream.

"Joey!" Belle exclaims.

I snap my eyes down to her and my body stiffens. How the hell did she-

"Look, Rhett! It's Joey!" Belle says again, tugging on my sleeve once again as she points down the parking lot.

My tense muscles instantly relax. She didn't know what, or rather who, my daydream was about. If she did, I don't think I would ever hear the end of it.

Belle tugs me in the direction of Joey and I easily follow her. Yes, I just saw Joey merely 30 minutes ago when I left her place to get ready for school, but Belle really wants to see her. I'd be a horrible brother if I deprived her of that need.

As we walk up, I notice the dark circles dancing under Joey's eyes even through her attempts to cover them up with make-up, but an odd feeling in my stomach tells me they aren't from our limited sleep.

Nonetheless, the second Joey sees Belle her eyes light up and she greets her with a huge smile that almost matches the intensity of Belle's.


"Hey Belle," she grins, giving her a hug.

I watch their small interaction with an unconscious smile lifting my lips. No matter the outcome of this game, I think Joey is good for Belle. So I'll have to make it my goal not to end this on a bad note so that Belle still has her as a friend.

They pull apart and my eyes stay on Joey. "Where's mine?" I pout.

Joey's chocolate eyes shift from Belle to meet my gaze and her grin morphs into something softer.

"I just saw you earlier," she reminds me.

"Every second I'm apart from you hurts, Joey," I say as hopelessly romantic as I can.

She snorts and gives the remnants of her loud laugh and shakes her head, "Come here, Punk," she says, stepping towards me for a hug.

I wrap my arms around her, feeling her body melt into mine at all the perfect angles. As we pull apart, I slide my hands to her waist to hold her closer for a second, dipping my head to steal a small kiss. I keep her close even when our lips part, softly touching her nose with mine before I let her pull fully away.

Joey raises a brow at me, "Now that kiss felt like more than just a move in this game."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Joey," I smirk.

"Oh don't worry, I know not to get my hopes up," she teases, and then glances to make sure Belle isn't paying attention before shifting her eyes back towards me. "Don't want to end up like all of those other girls, now do I?"

She meant it as a joke, but no part of me wants to laugh.

Instead of responding, I just smirk at her and pull her against my side as we start walking into school. After we drop Belle off in her classroom, Joey and I walk to her locker together and run into Dino and Roger.

"Joey!" Dino exclaims once they see us, "You, sweetheart, throw one hell of a party!"

I'm either very tired, or his accent sounds even thicker today than usual.

She chuckles, "All you really need is a lot of alcohol to make any party good."

"Even still," Roger says, "You throwing anything else soon?"

Joey shrugs slyly, "If my dad leaves again, it's only fair I use the house."

They continue their conversation, and I zone out slightly. My mind goes to Joey's comment earlier. I've been telling myself this entire month that she's going to end up exactly like all the girls before her, so why does her admitting to that bother me so much?

I glance down at her, my arm still settled around her waist and her body leaning against mine as she laughs with my two best friends. No wonder people say we look like a couple.

Her off-pitch laughter wafts to my ears and I chuckle quietly; I wonder if she knows how unique it sounds. I wonder if anyone has ever told her, or if maybe she can judge the differences herself.

Without even really knowing I'm doing it, I lower my head and set a small kiss on the top of her hair, causing her to lean further into me without stopping her conversation. I smile slightly from such a simple reaction from her, but that smile falters when I notice Roger smirking at me.

I shift my attention to him and he glances between me and Joey, quirking a brow and deepening his smirk.

I roll my eyes; I know exactly what he's thinking. That she's one step closer to winning, but unfortunately he couldn't be more wrong. It was just an innocent kiss, big whoop.

"But anyways," Joey says, now directing her words at me too, "I need to get to class, I'll see you guys later."

She starts to pull away, but I hold her there for a second longer.

"Why don't you come over tonight?" I ask. Truth is, last night with Joey meant more to me than I'm willing to admit, and I want another peaceful, innocent night like that.

Joey quirks a brow at me and a sly grin slips past her lips, "I've got a better idea."

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Want to say a quick thank you to you guys for both reading this story AND watching the ads in between some of the chapters! It truly means a lot to me that you do, because that is Wattpads way of compensating some of the authors for their successful stories. Thanks again guys :))

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