Chapter Nine

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Thanks TayMarler for the cover!

His Game: Chapter Nine

"So, how'd the big date go last night?" Roger asks as we stand around Dino's locker. We watch as he attempts time and time again to insert his code, getting more and more frustrated every time the lock doesn't open.

I shrug and lean against the locker beside Dino's, "Not much action."

"Bro, how long is it going to take you to hop on that?" Dino grunts, finally breaking into his locker.

I scowl at him, "And you call me sleazy? Calm down man, I've gotta resurvey the playing field with this one." Then I lean in closer to the two of them, glancing around to make sure no one is listening, "Guys, we watched Jeopardy last night. Jeopardy."

"The trivia game show?" Dino asks, eyes wide with some sort of horror.

Roger sends him a look. "No, the other Jeopardy," he says, his words laced with sarcasm.

Dino's jaw drops, "There's another one?"

I glance at Roger and we nod, simultaneously smacking Dino on the back of the head. He flinches and sends us both annoyed glares, rubbing the 'injury'.

"I've got to meet this girl," Roger concludes, and Dino instantly agrees.

I glance down the hall and notice Joey just now walking to her locker and smirk slightly. 

How convenient.

"Alright, come on," I say, heading in her direction.

"Wait!" Dino says, causing me to stop and glance back at him, "I haven't even prepared, man. I wore my cheap cologne today!" Then he pauses and rips into his locker, grabbing a small bottle of cologne.

" keep cologne in your locker?" I question.

He starts to spray it all over himself, and Roger and I burst into a coughing fit and try to fan it away.  

"Dude go easy on that shit," Roger coughs.

"This isn't just any cologne," Dino says, shoving it in my face to look at the label, "It's Bleu De Chanel," he says, butchering the pronunciation with his jersey accent.

I grab the tiny bottle from him and spin it around to try and find a price, "How much does this crap cost?"

"About $200 a bottle," he says, snatching it back from me, "So be careful."

"Why?" Roger asks as he scrunches up his nose. "Who the hell pays that much?"

"It's one of the nicest smells a guy can get. And I use it to impress the ladies," Dino says as though it's obvious. "Girls associate good looks with good scents."

I blink at him, "You aren't trying to get in Joey's pants, you're just meeting her."

Roger chuckles and throws his arm around my shoulders as we continue our walk, "Right, that's your job."

I snort and shove him off, "You said it, not me."

"At this rate he'll be lucky if he even kisses her," Dino cuts in. "Much less take her to the bedroom."

I scowl at him, "Hey," I say, sending a glare, "shut up."

Roger gapes at me, "He was right? You two haven't kissed?"

I stop walking and roll my eyes, "Look, I'm working on it. I want to take things a different route with this girl."

Roger crosses his arms and smirks, "You want to or she's not giving you any other choice?"

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