13 | Truth

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Pulling on a jacket quickly, I grabbed an expensive cotton jacket for Y/N, as she must have been freezing by now, so I really needed to hurry up. Covering the ugly bandage on my head with a beanie, I ran around the house to get my keys, car keys, wallet and phone before heading out of the house.

My heart beat ten times faster than it's usual pace as I ran down the stairs instead of using the lift, knowing it would take far too much time before I could find her

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My heart beat ten times faster than it's usual pace as I ran down the stairs instead of using the lift, knowing it would take far too much time before I could find her.

Only god knew what happened in these streets after dark.

Planning out my apology, I knew that I'd have to tell her a bit about my past. She did deserve to know, after all, since she was now considered one of the only people I could trust in my life.


"I just want you to tell me what you know about Park Ji-min"

The temperature in the room seemed to chill, as everything suddenly seemed colder. Your borrowed jacket kept you warm, but the heavy and cold atmosphere didn't stop you from shivering.

You weren't exactly sure how to respond to his question. You didn't know Jimin too well, but after tonight, you knew for sure that he was hiding something, something important. And this man in front of you wanted to know some of that information.

And though you owed nothing to Jimin, you still knew it would be better to say nothing to Jungkook.

"I don't understand what you mean," you spat out stiffly, trying not to avoid eye contact or do any of the symptoms to show you were lying.

Jungkook smiles again, but this time, it contained no warmth, just blankness, like the dark voids of his eyes. "I told you, we could take this the easy way, or the hard way." Cracking his knuckles, Jungkook leaned over the table to whisper something in your ear.

"And if I were you, I'd chose to take the easy way."

Your blood chills, finally becoming affected by the atmosphere. You gulp audibly, and aware that Jungkook was watching and calculating your every move, you make sure to keep your reactions on the inside.

You didn't know what he was capable of, and didn't want to test his limits. But that didn't mean that you couldn't protect Jimin.

Jungkook sits back down, watching you with his head tilted, eyes glinting. 

"I met Park Jimin at work," you began, trying to sound as bored as possible, and not reveal the fear that you actually were feeling. "He's around 23, handsome, possible womanizer and the current head of the gold department. That's all I know." You huff this all out in a breath, eyes staring back into his.

Jungkook's eyes watch you, and his smile drops after a few seconds. "That's not all you know," he murmurs, clasping his hands together and leaning forward. "Tell me what you know."

"It's the truth," you mutter truimphantly. "I don't know what you think I know, but I don't know anything. I've known him for less than two months, and he means nothing to me. Why don't you ask someone closer to him?" You challenge, not backing down.

Somewhere in you, you knew these challenges would have consequences, but you wouldn't back down. For now.

His grim smile reappeared, as he ran a hand through his hair, no longer feeling the need to look in your eyes. "Well, then, if you're not close to him," Jungkook says, looking up at the ceiling. "Then what were you doing at his house?"

"He was hurt and went to the hospital. There was no one else avaliable to pick him up, so I went to help." You retort coldly, letting the words hang in the air as Jungkook processes before he lets out a small and light laugh.

"So you are close to him, hmm?"

You don't say anything, and it's your turn to watch nervously as Jungkook waits for an answer. You could say you were, but the truth was, you weren't actually his friend. But it wouldn't make sense, and even sounded wrong to you. Why would you help him if you weren't at least slightly close?

Choosing to avoid his question, you fire off one of your own. "Why are you even questioning me? You could easily find another reliable source, one that would be willing to tell you the information," You sneer, emphasizing on the willing.

That's when he goes silent, and his smirk is wiped off his face. And it hits you. They couldn't find another source because they didn't have one.

Jimin had no one in his life. Except up until today, you.

His parents were the only exception, but you vividly recall the fear and uncertainty in his eyes when you asked for their numbers. He obviously wasn't close to them anymore. Close wasn't a good enough word; he obviously feared them.

There was something fishy going on here, and you didn't like it one bit.

"Y/N," Jungkook says, bringing you out of your thoughts. You blink rapidly, refocusing. Jungkook no longer looks mean or cruel, but now, there is a sad and solemn expression on his face, no longer teasing or mad.

Worry clouded his eyes before he spoke again. "Do you know why I contacted you?"

You shake your head, confused to where this conversation is heading.

Then, he chooses to look directly into your eyes, forcing yours to focus on his.

"Park Ji-min's parents are missing, presumed dead."


My steps on the pavement echoed through the cold night, but thankfully, I'm warm under the millions of layers of clothes I was wearing. Walking into the cold night, I thought of how could she must be feeling right now.

I got more worried and tense by the second, thinking about her. My apartment was located closer to the countryside, not an urban area, so it was easy to get lost her.

Though I lived in a good neighborhood, you never know what roams in the dark after 12 am.

Smacking myself on the head, I rethought out our last conversation for the hundredth time. I shouldn't have just let Y/N leave like that. But I didn't want to act like every male character in those TV dramas that she seemed to enjoy watching so much.

Yet here I was now, chasing after her.

I sighed, creating a small fog in front of me. Where would she go?

If I were her, knowing how cold it was, I would've wanted to retreat to somewhere warm.

Usually, it would be hard to know where she could go, but luckily, there was only one place that opened till a time this late near my neighborhood.

The cafe. And so, that's where I'd go.

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