36 | Next Morning

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The sounds of birds chirping in the distance, accompanied by the bright shine of the sun, woke you up from your dreamless slumber. Memories of the night before flashed in your mind as you flushed a bright pink before burying your head deeper into your pillow.

But your pillow was hard, and seemed to rise and fall rhythmically, as though it were... alive.

Casting a glance upwards, you were shocked to find that your makeshift pillow was in fact, not a pillow, but Jimin's chest.

Once you started on his features, you couldn't stop. There, laying above you, was the man who had so many worries, and had done so much to avoid his past, living in the present. But he had never actually managed to escape his dreary task, not until yesterday.

And now, while sleeping, all creases were banished and he was left with an angelic face, relaxed and comfortable with his hand wrapped around your waist.

Smiling, you looked downwards to face his chiseled chest once again, reaching out a hand to run your fingers over his body, tracing the firm muscles, and occasionally, kissing some parts to show your love.

You were about to move upwards towards his neck and face but stopped moving abruptly when you glanced and saw that his eyes were open lazily. He let out a chuckle, rubbing your head. "Can't help but admire beauty, can you?" His morning voice was to die for, raspy and low, unbelievably sexy.

Lifting an arm, you smacked his chest in retaliation, causing him to chuckle again. Going back to tracing his body as though he totally was not awake and watching your every action, you looked down and saw something that didn't surprise you.

Following your gaze, Jimin looked down and flushed red, as the same incident that happened last night repeated itself. You sighed, shaking your head. "When will you ever stop being horny?"

He pretended to think about it, using two of his fingers to rub his chin. "Hmm... I don't know..., how about never?" He giggled as you snorted, dragging you closer to him with his other arm.

"Now, are you going to help me with this or what?"


The two of you walked into the office, hand in hand, shocking most employees as whispers and rumors flurried all over the place, making you annoyed. Did these people really have nothing better to do with their lives?

Then again, you didn't completely blame them, with the way he was holding your hand tightly and shooting you loving glances every so often, it was only natural for people to gossip.

You had almost forgotten what day it was until Jimin eyed you quizzically as you tried to head back into your workplace. "Today is rearrangement day, right?" He asked, puzzled. You creased your brows and gasped. "Yes, it is. Sorry, I forgot."

"You're such a Pabo," He chuckled, pulling your arm and dragging you into the office, causing loud gasps from the female workers.

Walking into the meeting room, Minhee was wriggling her eyebrows and tutting at you all the way until you reached your seat next to her. Instantly, she sat you down and looked you over, laughing aloud.

"Sure looks like he did it roughly," She chortled, holding her stomach as she pointed to your shoulder and neck. Mortified, you looked down to find that the red spots from your session last night had now blossomed into purple bruises.

Was that why everyone was staring more so than usual?

You grabbed a scarf from your bag and tied it around your neck, glaring at Minhee and making sure it covered every spot. Cackling, she leaned in to whisper into your ear. "Was it good? Did you use lube? Anal? Was his d-" She blabbed on questions as you pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her.

"Stop, please!" You begged. "I'll tell you more information later, okay?"

Minhee narrowed her eyes but stuck out her pinky. "Pinky promise?"

You sighed, but stuck out your pinky too and linked it with hers. "Pinky promise."

Sungmin then entered the room, and the chatters of your colleagues died down. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Glad to see that no one is late," He said, glaring in Jimin's direction, but unsurprisingly, Jimin ignored him and stared at his nails.

"Today, we have an important session where we will be changing up the roles and departments that some employees are in," He drawled, voice sounding almost bored. "Any questions?" He asked, looking around the room. When no one raised their hand, he continued.

"Min Jiyoo, you are to be changed from the Red Department to the Green Department, with Kim Taehyung as your head." She pouted, making puppy eyes at Namjoon, who was gleefully watching as she walked towards Taehyung.

Different people got called out to change departments, as you tuned it all out and tried to look interested and not as bored as you actually felt. You could feel Jimin's gaze on you the whole time.

"Seon Y/N!" Sungmin called, taking you back to reality. "You have a choice this time," he started, staring at the paper, looking confused. "Because of your outstanding behavior, the company is allowing you to either change to the blue department, with Hoseok as your leader, or stay in the Gold Department."

You sat there, dumbfounded, and tried not to turn tomato red as you felt the gazes of everyone land on you, waiting for your reply. You could move to the Blue Department, like you had been hoping for so long, with Minhee and your friends.

Or, you could stay with Jimin. Why was the decision so hard to make?

But when you looked up to meet Jimin's gaze, you found that the decision was much easier to make than you had anticipated.

"I choose to stay in the Gold Department," You say, your voice as clear as your choice. 

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