10 - Magical Shopping

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- Thanks for 1k reads peeps !! Kinda weird that idk any of you guys personally but honestly hmu if you need anything, I'm just writing this for fun and practice, ya know ? -


All I could see was dark. Suffocating, overwhelming blackness that surrounded me like a cocoon. Is this what it was like to be dead? I know I make jokes about wanting to die all the time, but I didn't actually mean it. Existentialism is hip nowadays.

I focused on moving my hand, and after a couple seconds I felt a twitch. So not dead, then.

As my senses started coming back, I heard low murmurs from my left.

"Is she gonna be okay? I heard it was that horrid Kenna Draper that did it to her. I never did like her."

"Madam Pompfrey said she should be waking up soon. Wait, was that...did her eyes just move?"

As a matter of fact, they had. As my body groaned in protest, I forced my eyes open and was greeted with a blinding white light.

"Aughhhh. At least if I'd gone to hell when I died it would've been dimmer."

"Y/N!!" Hermione tackled me and I laughed, still slightly disoriented. I opened my eyes for the second time and saw the Hospital Wing. Hermione was hugging me from the right, and Jack was sitting on a chair to my left, looking ragged.

"Jack, are you alright? You look like hell." My voice was slightly hoarse from disuse. He grinned tiredly, replying "I didn't wanna leave in case you woke up."

I felt a rush of warmth towards him and beckoned him closer to my bed for a hug.

"So what happened? All I remember is drinking that awful potion and then everything went dark."

I started to breathe more quickly as I thought of how the toxin had taken over my limbs and made me lose control of my body. I started to shake, and Jack wrapped an arm around me, holding me close to him.

"Oh god, Y/N." Hermione started tearing up and I waved it off. "It's not a big deal, seriously. I survived."

Jack pulled me to him more tightly, burying his face in my shoulder and said sharply, "It's okay, you're okay. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." His grip started to hurt.


It seemed that word about my near-death experience has spread around the school, and it resulted in many back slaps, sympathetic smiles (more like grimaces), and frequent "how you holding up's".

It was sweet to see my friends concerned for me, though. Fred and George had actually volunteered to beat Kenna up, stating (and I quote), that "We're not sexist, we'll kick a girl's ass. Hell, we'd kick a baby's ass if we needed to."

I told them that I currently didn't have any enemies that were babies but I'd tell them if I ever got on an infant's bad side.

I almost felt bad for Kenna. Like yeah, of course she poisoned me, but she'd been on the receiving end of more than a few death stares recently. I'm sure people will forget about it eventually.

More important than me almost fuckin dying though, was that finals were finally over and I could BREATHE. Sure, sex is cool, but have you ever thrown away an entire semester's worth of papers with the knowledge that you'll never use it again?

Currently, Hermione and I were in our room packing for the lodge trip. It was Friday afternoon, and we didn't leave until Monday, but Hermione insisted on being prepared. We were going to head into Hogsmeade tomorrow to go shopping for the trip, seeing as I didn't bring a bathing suit to Hogwarts. Because we're in Scotland.

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