꧁ ❛ MY BOY ❜ ꧂

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CIRCA 1983


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Barbara Holland threw her head back and laughed, clutching her knees. She was dressed in blue pyjamas, dotted with yellow stars, matching top and bottoms. She was perched on Nancy's bed, leaning against the wall and happily gossiping with her two best friends. Her ginger hair was slightly deshevilled, and a white moisturiser had been applied to various places on her cheeks.

"Of course he does!" Nancy Wheeler nodded, her mousy brown, loose curls bouncing as she did. She was sat, crosslegged on the floor, an open journal in front of her with a pink, fluffy pen placed in the centre of the two pages. She had been writing in homework and creating notes for her upcoming tests.

"Have you not seen the way he looks at you?" Sara Harrington added, picking up Nancy's pen and doodling on the upper end of the journal when she wasn't looking. She wore dark green shorts and a grey tank top, her hair tied up in a knot, carelessly shaking as she spoke.

          The trio continued to joke and make comments on each other's love lives at school throughout the night. They had been waiting all week to have a sleepover and finally they were able to enjoy it, over a steaming hot pizza and multiple cans of soda. They laughed and giggled for hours, countlessly irritating Nancy's parents, but it was a Friday night, and they didn't have a care in the world. They were stress free, as long as they were together. They couldn't live without each other's advice; Barbara was the voice of reason, Nancy always said to be yourself, and Sara brought out their adventurous sides. They balanced each other out perfectly.

"So Nance," Sara began, sinking her teeth into a thick slice of pizza, the stringy cheese melting in her mouth but also burning her tongue, "What's the deal between you and my brother?" She asked, referring to Steve Harrington.
          Sara had noticed that ever since Nancy came over for dinner a couple weeks before, Steve had been acting strange, and whenever Sara questioned him about it, he suddenly had to be somewhere. She knew he would never admit it to her, so she resulted in asking Nancy because she was terrible with lies and keeping secrets.

Nancy coughed and almost choked on her drink.
"What? What are you talking about?" She replied frantically, wiping the droplets of fizzy bubbles that she had spluttered all over herself.

"Come on, it's obvious somethings going on," Sara sat up, pushing herself from the floor with her arms, "you can tell me, I promise I won't get mad." She said kindly. Nancy sighed.

"Just tell her." Barb piped, laying on the edge of the bed and twirling her short, ginger hair with her finger, her glasses precariously balanced on the tip of her nose. She had known about Steve and Nancy since they started dating secretly, however something within her gathered that Nancy didn't tell Barb all the details that linked up as to why she always needed the toilet in school.

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