EIGHTEEN ! maxine mayfields story

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꧁ ❛ MY BOY ❜ ꧂
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mentions  of
racism & violence


Maxine asked Billy as he stormed into the house, his fists balled in pure fury, his mind outside of his head as he trailed dirt and blood into the carpet. She watched him yank open the refrigerator and neck a bottle of beer, the cool and fizzy foam spilling over his lips and chin.

"'Cause he's a nobody." Billy harshly answered, dipping his head into the frozen shelf, in search for another drink.

"And what if you're the nobody?" Max replied with the same tone, watching her brother pop off another bottle cap. He scared her sometimes, especially when he was like this; manic and unpredictable. It was these moments where he was so angry, he smiled.

"You know what your problem is?!" Billy shouted, slamming the bottle so hard on the counter top that the foam came sprouting up the neck and frothing over the lip.
"You just don't know when to shut the fuck up," he shook his finger at her, a terrifying grin on his face, "You're this -- this annoying little piece of shit that I have to deal with every goddamn day, and you have the fucking nerve to piss me off."

"You're an asshole--!"

"Who drives you to school, huh?!" Billy's smirk grew wider until he looked insane, "Who takes you to the shitty arcade to see that fuckin' black boy--!"

"Shut up, Billy!" Max cried, tears rolling down her cheeks and her eyebrows furrowed in panic. She hated him when he did this.

"You listen to me," he stomped closer, grabbing her by the collar, "you don't know how good you have it." He spat in her face.
"They love you! And I'm just the fucking disappointment!" He threw her small body back, her ginger hair falling over her eyes.

"Why are you so mean?" She shivered, her palms stinging from hitting the floor as hard as she did.

"I'm just what everyone expects me to be." He reminisced what Sara had said to him, the words burning themselves into his brain.

"I hate you!"

He then hurled the empty glass bottle towards the wall, it's green stained shards plummeting rapidly.

          Max raced into her bedroom, the sheer horror and fear surging through her mind and bones. Not a day went by where she didn't wonder why Billy acted the way he did. She just wished he was a better brother. She wondered why she couldn't have that. Her heart rate increased as she sobbed, listening to Billy destroy the kitchen some more. She didn't know why he hated her so much because it wasn't her fault that Neil treated him badly. It's not like Susan did too, in fact, she often tried to stand up for him.
          But alas, Billy always succumbed to everyone's expectations in an attempt of rebellion. He didn't want to be the monster he was made out to be, but he tried so hard to avoid that, it just lead him into becoming one faster. Max couldn't help but feel sorrow for the path he was unknowingly taking himself down. She hated him. She wanted to help, but he always shoved her further away.
He never failed to make her hate herself too.

          Billy punched his fist against her bedroom wall, demanding she stop crying so loud as it always reminded him that he had upset her, and he didn't want to feel the guilt. Little did he know that what Billy always said to her was just the tip of the iceberg.


"Why are you following me?" Mike roller his eyes. He walked briskly, trying to get away from Max's company. She rolled beside him on her skateboard.

"Because I want to join your party," she told him, "I could be your zoomer." She said enthusiastically, hoping to receive the same kind of attitude in return.

"That's not even a real thing." Mike retorted, a bored and irritated look on his face.

"It could be!" She smiled sarcastically.

"Just go home! We don't want you in our party!" Mike frowned, stopping her from rolling around him on her skateboard.
"You're useless, anyway."

          Max felt her heart sink as her self worth was devalued. She couldn't understand why everyone hated her so much, when they had practically stalked her after discovering that she was behind the screen name 'MADMAX' on the arcade game. She had thought Mike was cool, as he seemed to be the leader of his little party; Lucas and Dustin too! Yet they always talked about their mage who was named El after short hesitation upon the name every time it was mentioned. It was that tiny detail that made her think that maybe they didn't like her after all.
          She burst out of the school, shoving both the doors open with her shoulders, trying to hold back her tears. Billy had always called her a cry baby, and today was not the day she would fall to that insult. She wasn't a cry baby.

          Suddenly, Max witnessed Billy throwing his fists towards Jonathan Byers. Sara dropped her bag and ragged at Billy's arms in an attempt to put a stop to the fight. Max wondered what Billy was doing to himself. He always questioned why nothing ever turned out the way he wanted, and then went on a rampage to take him further away from his life finally reaching its fix.
          Once Sara had separated the boys and scolded Billy for what she intended to be the last time, she met eyes with Max. She noticed the stain of fear and sorrow riddled inside her pupils as she stared. In that moment, they had a silent and mutual agreement - Billy Hargrove ruins lives. And he had ruined theirs tragically.



yikes I know I keep publishing short chapters but 🐸☕ exams 🐸☕

n I just wanted to share my thoughts on Billy atm

I know that he is the love interest in this story
BUT I didn't want to glorify his violence and his bAD bOy personality cause it's high key toxic
So this is how I'm approaching his character
He's not gonna be a bad guy for long because I have a major plan for this story

if u don't wanna read them
lol just scroll down rlly fast
or exit the book rn :))))))))))

this chapter was a bit of a filler
BUT I wanted to involve max in the story a lil more
she's gonna be important sksks

also:::: spoiler
eleven and the more supernatural side to stranger things is gonna be incorporated a lil more too

and just one more spoiler to add lMAo
steves been quiet the past couple of chapters
nancy too
what's gonna happen 👁👄👁

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B̶i̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶l̶i̶a̶r̶

❛ MY BOY ❜                                          ʙɪʟʟʏ ʜᴀʀɢʀᴏᴠᴇWhere stories live. Discover now