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"Today, we're going to run our mile." The gym coach was giddy, for some odd reason. Forcing children to run an entire mile in an unreasonably short amount of time must be the most fun he has. Everyone groaned and started complaining to their friends. "Oh hush. It isn't that bad. It's just a mile in 10 minutes. If you don't complete it, you get to do 500 jumping jacks and retry tomorrow. Have fun." The coach tweeted his whistle and smiled evilly, signaling the beginning of the nightmare. This was the best part of his year. These annoying ass little kids who treat him with everything but respect are forced to run an exhausting distance in an unreasonable amount of time. He couldn't be happier.

As the class took off,  Jungkook was pushed out of the way by a few people. They were clearly excited for this. He stumbled a bit, struggling to stay standing and not hit the ground. Jungkook knew, physically it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to run this whole mile. He couldn't think, walk, even sleep. He was food deprived, sleep deprived, fat. He couldn't make that mile if he tried his hardest. So, why try at all? He watched as the entire class skipped past him and laughed as they jogged. Almost in slow motion. Why couldn't he be them? Able to run, skinny. Perfect..?

Jungkook fell over, just barely catching himself on the metal fencing of the schools shitty little football field. He just stood there; numb. Barely holding himself off of the ground with the very little strength his body still possessed. He  felt almost nothing. But what he did feel didn't feel good. Not at all. Heartbreak, sadness and disappointment in himself. That's all he had felt for the past few years. It was slowly going away, until he was just an empty shell of a man.

Now, he was lightheaded and numb. He heard the coach blow his whistle and walk over to him. Apparently he had been just standing there. Not like he knew what he was even doing anymore. He couldn't control his body. He didn't even notice what he was doing half of the time. It's like he just closed his eyes and his body did whatever it wanted. The kids who had already finished their mile, the jocks; athletic kids followed him, walking over to the weird and extra skinny boy.

"Get the fuck up and run. You have 2 minutes left, better use it wisely or else you'll feel the burn tomorrow." The coach spat, watching the crazily thin boy weakly pull himself from the fence and start walking with no direction; basically just stumbling. Jungkook wasn't going to argue. Just attempt it at least. It'd make him feel good. It'd make him feel like he wasn't so fat he could actually run a mile. Nothing ever works out for him though. He continued to stumble, walking like a drunk man at 3AM; almost falling over a good few times, until his eyes slid shut and he actually fell onto the cold, wet grass of the field.

"Oh lord." The coach whispered as kids immediately ran to the boy to check if he was okay, even though, they all knew he wasn't. As soon as Taehyung saw the boy struggling to walk, he ran as fast as his legs could take him. Not even halfway done with the mile since he had walked. He enjoyed exercise so doing it again with some jumping jacks could do nothing but good for him. Something clicked in him when he saw the boy fall to the ground. Fear, guilt, anger.

Taehyung was not happy, not at ALL. Most of the hideous anger that presented itself in Taehyungs facial expression, and the red lighting up his cheeks was because of the fact that he didn't get to the boy first. Oh Sehun got there first. The boy that Taehyung had been fighting with over Jungkook for years. Fist fights, getting jumped, run ins with the law because of the other were normal for the two boys who both had a VERY odd interest in the very thin boy.

"Jungoo. Gorgeous. Open your eyes." Sehun spoke softly, slapping the boys cheek lightly. Jungkooks head was resting in Sehun's lap. It was, until Taehyung ran up and kicked Sehun in the back, using all of his strength to keep himself from murdering the other boy. He made sure he didn't hurt the thin boy before stepping back a bit. The brown haired boy stood up quickly, ready to rip Taehyung to shreds. He completely forgot about the almost lifeless Boy on the ground. Coach Morris had run inside to find a nurse and all of the other students stood around the two boys, worrying about the thin boy. Taehyung punched Sehun in the jaw, throwing him to the ground. He continued throwing punches until he remembered the reason of the fight. He had NEVER been so aggressive nor protective in a fight with Sehun before. He'd never been protective over ANYONE except for Jungkook. Some people were into the fight while others were scared that the boy on the floor had just died. An exciting day for sure.

"Don't touch him. Don't touch him ever again. Do you fucking understand me?" Taehyung growled at the boy on the floor, who's face was bleeding heavily with cuts all around it. He had never felt so angry; not until he saw Sehun caressing HIS baby's cheek. Taehyungs eyes were so black, you wouldn't believe such a caring human could be hiding behind them. Slowly sliding his arms under the extremely light boy, carrying him bridal style, he ran into the building faster than anyone would've thought he could after running a whole mile, wiping salty tears on his shoulder. He reached the nurses office, laying the boy on the little bed. Taehyung sniffled as she examined him.

"Is he okay? Is- is he gonna be okay?" Taehyung choked up, barely able to speak. This was his fault. It was his fault that the boy was this thin. This sick. He had let Jungkook believe that he was anything less than perfect. All because of a stupid prank. Guilt. His stupid parents. All of it added together to break Jungkooks heart and dip him into an endless pit of depression and eating disorders.

"I don't know. I need you to leave, were gonna get him to the hospital. We'll let you know." The nurse ushered the boy out of the room, but not before Jungkooks eyes fluttered open to see the clearly distressed boy who had tears streaming down his face. He went to sit up and say, 'I'm fine. Don't worry.' But an extremely strong force held him down, making him breath heavily before passing out again. Sleep paralysis? No.. that ended months ago. Physical paralysis? No.. Hunger? Maybe.

Fear of getting his heart broken again by the same boy? That's it.

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