16 🌻 (FINALE)

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4 years later..

"Taehyung. It's been four years, you have got to move on." Dr. Kang spoke softly. "Everyone else has. It's your turn." Taehyung shook his head.

"I can't. I just can't.." he whispered. Taehyung had been attending therapy since Jungkook had died. He couldn't move on.

"You have to. If you don't, you're throwing your life away. Why don't you try and go on a date." She said cheerily, she was determined to get Taehyung to move on.

He shook his head, tightly gripping the little chain necklace in his palm. The one he had given Jungkook many years before. "I love him. I can't just move on like he doesn't exist. He's always here with me. Always." His voice cracked slightly. He always cried during the sessions. Outside of it, he ignored the thoughts of Jungkook, but when inside of therapy he had no choice.

"Time is up for this week, but seriously, you should really try and move on." She had been hopelessly trying to get him to find love again, but he refused. Everytime. "I'll see you next week Taehyung."

Taehyung sighed and sat up from the bed, wiping his tears. He nodded before walking out of the room and signing out. He walked out of the building, straightening himself out. She was right, he knew she was, but everytime he even had a thought, Jungkooks beautiful face entered his thoughts. He wanted to move on, so so bad, but he just couldn't. He was in love with a dead man.

He turned the corner and bumped into someone rather harshly. He fell to the ground, squinting his eyes shut to prepare for the impact, the other boy keeping his balance.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry." The boy squealed. Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, it didn't hurt as bad as he thought. He looked up the strangers body, from his shoes until they met eyes.

Beautiful was the first thing he thought of. He zoned out, not hearing the strangers words, until the man coughed awkwardly. He had been staring. Fuck.

"Sorry- I'm." He stood up and dusted off his butt. "I'm Kim. Taehyung." He smiled widely, reaching out to shake hands with the beautiful stranger.

"I'm Jae."


"Dowoonie! Come to bed. I want to cuddle." Sehun pouted cutely, watching his boyfriend dancing around the room. "Pleeasssee!" He yelled. Dowoon gave into the cuteness and threw himself onto Sehun, hugging him tightly.

"That's my cute little Sehunnie, aww."

They cuddle for a few minutes before Sehun broke the silence.

"Do you ever miss Jungkook?" He asked, voice quiet.

"Yes, everyday, but then I remember that he's always here, watching over us and in our hearts. Our beautiful little Jungkookie. He grew so well didn't he?"

"Only because of us." Sehun smiled bittersweetly, gripping Dowoons waist tighter.

"Only because of us." Dowoon repeated, falling asleep shortly in Sehuns arms.


"Goodnight baby. I love you." Taehyung smiled, planting a soft kiss on Jae's lips. They had been dating for about 8 months. As soon as Jae left, Taehyung let out a heavy breath and walked up the stairs. He squealed and danced around. He was so happy. "Shower time." He sang, walking to his closet and roughly pulling a shirt and short shorts out of it. Something fell off of the top shelf with it.

He looked down and saw the item. His heart caught in his throat as he realized what it was. An engagement ring. Specifically; the ring Taehyung had bought years before for Jungkook. He took a deep breath, picking it up to admire it. It was about a $4,500 ring. He had saved his money up, worked day and night to buy it. He was never able to find the right time or make it work, so Jungkook never knew. Never knew just how much Taehyung loved him.

Taehyung wiped his eyes, turning the ring over to see the engraved "Ily, JJK." He started to cry heavily, he hadn't thought of Jungkook in a few months. He was doing good. He closed the ring box, before putting it in the back of his closet, somewhere he wouldn't see it for years. Not until he had moved on and was happy with Jae.

He left the closet and sat on his bed, pulling out his phone. He opened an old file, closed his eyes and laid back. Love is not over played throughout his room. Yes, it would take him some serious time to move on, but he could do it. No matter what it took, he could move on.


5 years later..

"Baby, could you get Yoongi to bed?" Taehyung asked in his beautifully deep voice.

"Yeah.." Jae groaned, standing up and walking out of the bedroom. Taehyung walked over to his closet, reaching his hand to the top shelf. It was dusty as hell, and held Jaes birthday gift. Taehyung felt something and pulled it out. He smiled at it. The engagement ring. He stuffed it in his pocket, walking to the backyard. He lit a fire, looking at the ring one last time, before throwing it into the fire. Years of pain, we're now replaced with years of happiness with his new family. He had a beautiful husband and a beautiful son. What more could he ask for?

Well, he could ask for Jae to gain some weight. He looked a little too thin.


Ahh!! There it is!! The end of my book. I hope you all enjoyed it, I worked really hard on it, I'm so grateful to everyone who reads it and supports me! I'm sorry if you didn't like the way it ended, but I really liked it and it suited the story so that's that. I love you all! Thank you!! 💕💕

 I love you all! Thank you!! 💕💕

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