Soulmates part1

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By: stubliminalmessaging

                Ian was six when they had their first conversation. He knew about soul mates since he'd started school the year before and he had a vague inkling his was alive and that they were connected, but he'd never spoken to his partner. Fiona was at the right age to be caught up in hopes of love and romance and wept frequently because she had yet to connect with her other half. When Ian had told her he thought he was connected to someone she hammered him with questions: how did it feel? Did he just wake up with it? Had they ever spoken? He disappointed her with his lackluster responses every time.

                When they finally did speak he didn't tell Fiona about it. A child's voice in his head asked; "are you a girl?" and Ian had replied; "no, I'm a boy," and the voice went silent after that. He wondered what he had done to deserve having his soul mate ignoring him. He didn't understand why until he heard from Lip about some guys in their neighbourhood putting a boy in the hospital after catching him kissing another boy.

                He was careful after that. Receiving radio silence from his partner hurt but he could understand why it happened. The guy probably had a lot to live for. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

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