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by: stubliminalmessaging


                Ian wasn't sure what to think of his new neighbours, but things weren't looking great between them. (Though when he thought about it, he supposed he was the new neighbour in the situation since they'd been there first. Still didn't give them an excuse to be colossal asshats.

                Actually, he really liked the sister a lot. She was the only one he'd actually spent any time talking to and if their work schedules matched up a little better, they would probably hang out more and be best friends. A month into living next door he found out that he truly didn't like any of his neighbours.

                The brother that answered when Ian knocked was one of the older ones, a scruffy blond. "Yeah?" he asked, belching. Ian tried not to wrinkle his nose at the smell, even though it was right in his face.

                "Is – uh – is Mandy here?" Ian asked.

                "Nope," the brother replied. When he didn't go on, Ian prompted him again.

                "Do you know where she is?"

                "No fuckin' clue. Probably at her own place," he replied.

                "Oh, she doesn't live here?" Ian asked, genuinely surprised.

                "No," the brother answered, then shut the door even as Ian was going to ask another question. He trudged back home, annoyed, but felt a bit better when he found Mandy on facebook later and started an IM conversation with her.

                are you brothers all jackasses? He messaged her.

                yep. get used to it, neighbour, she replied, following it with a smiley face.

                you better come over soon then or i'm gonna go crazy, Ian said. Then he suggested she come over to hang out on the weekend.

                it's a date! Ian frowned at the heart emoticon following the message. He'd need to have a talk with her about which way he swung, but that could be an in-person conversation.


                The parties started a week later and happened every weekend after. Mandy's brothers would have over half the fucking city (who all turned out to be their fucking relatives somehow?) over and they would go hard Friday nights. The next day the guests would stumble out en masse and the brothers would make a half-assed attempt to clean up. They'd pile up the empties and throw out bags of solo cups and pizza boxes before the other fucking half of the city would roll in for the Saturday night remix of the night before.

                After a month and a half of sleeping with earplugs in on the weekends and waking up to find empties and trash flung all over his yard, he decided to try and talk to his neighbours.

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