Soulmates part2

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By: stubliminalmessaging

                i think we should meet

                Really? They've been in each others' heads for sixteen years, and only now does Mickey want to meet? Granted, sixteen whole years was probably an exaggeration, since they'd spent the first couple years of their lives not conscious of each other or communicating.

                (To him, at least. The second Ian drew his first worldly breath, Mickey could feel him. He didn't yet know what it meant until he was a few years older. But he always knew he was there.)

                Point is, they had been in contact most of their lives, definitely all of their teenage years. It was easy to ignore each other (especially with Mickey doing most of it) while they were both kids, but it was much harder to put it to the back of their minds when they felt such intense longing.

                It wasn't gradual or subtle, it hit both of them at the same time like a tidal wave. Even though Mickey was a year and three quarters older than him, it's like a switch was flipped for the pair of them, resulting in their practically itching with the need to fuck each other senseless.

                Still, with the irresistible need to work out their energy physically, Mickey still would not agree to meet up. Ian would have been more annoyed had he not immediately started a filthy telepathic dialogue that had Ian biting his knuckles to keep his sounds muffled so as not to wake up his brothers while he jerked off to it. Telepathic sex was awesome and it almost made up for the fact that Mickey refused to meet with him in person.

                The years during which Ian was about twelve to sixteen had been riddled with Mickey fueling his masturbation sessions. He felt a bit guilty when he fucked around with Roger Spikey and later, Kash, but he just pushed the older boy's voice to the back of his mind. Mickey was the one who refused to properly get together with him. Ian wasn't even going to deny himself sex just because Mickey was a pussy about moving their relationship along.

                Wasn't it enough that they were soul mates for him to accept that they were meant to be together? Why did he have to fight fate?

                Sometimes Ian would relay the experience he'd had with other guys he'd fucked to Mickey. He'd tell him about it just to feel the anger and jealousy flush through him. Mickey didn't need to say anything; he couldn't hide his honest feelings from Ian when he could feel them through their bond.

                When Mickey finally proposed that they meet, Ian was very tempted to refuse and to go off and fuck someone else. However, he felt how anxious and upset Mickey was when he asked, and Ian knew he couldn't deny him this. Still, he wasn't answers.

                do you actually want to see me or are you just horny and want me to fuck your brains out?

                why can't it be both?

                not a mistress, mick

                fuck, c'mon, i'm clawing at the walls, man

jerk off, then. you can even think of me if you want

it's not enough

too bad for you

please, ian, Mickey's mental voice begged, edged with desperation. i need you

i've needed you, so many times, Ian thought angrily. and every time you said no. you're a fucking pussy

                He felt a little bad about shutting Mickey out like this but when he thought about the times Mickey Had left him high and dry he felt... worse, actually. He thought of how he'd felt when Monica had come back and how he'd been so lost. Then when Mickey had essentially abandoned him he'd felt like he had no one and he'd just hidden from Monica as much as he could until she took off again (what a shock). He remembered how he felt back then and realized he would never wish that feeling on anyone, much less the boy he loved.

                alright, alright, Ian thought, cutting off Mickey's rambling and getting up from where he had been sitting on the edge of his bed. He grabbed his baggie of weed and a pack of papers and took the stairs two at a time. i've got the weed. you bring the beer and meet me at the canaryville baseball field dugout in twenty?

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