Lab partners

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By: stubliminalmessaging


                "You can fuck right off, Gallagher," Mickey huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at their fetal pig. "Ain't your fuckin' nurse."

                "Yeah, you'd look shitty in the dress," Ian laughed. He reached past Mickey to get the scalpel. He struck a pose with it and said, in his best action movie voice; "I'm going in."

                "Such a fucking weirdo," Mickey groaned, rolling his eyes. He stared at their pig until Ian made the first incision, at which point he looked away. Ian sliced the pig's chest and abdomen open using the scalpel and his gloved fingers and looked up at Mickey. He smiled to himself when he saw Mickey picking at his nails and squinting at their worksheet and generally avoiding looking at their disemboweled pig.

                "There," Ian declared, peeling back the pig's brined wrinkled skin and holding the scalpel out to Mickey. "Wanna take out the intestines?"

                "No, you look like you got this," Mickey croaked, looking paler than usual, maybe even a little green at the gills.

                "Aw, thanks babe," Ian said, grinning and elbowing Mickey in the side.

                'You say that again and I'll rip your tongue outta your head," Mickey muttered, eyeing the other students in the class, coupled off in their own groups and minding their own business. The rest of the class literally could not give fewer fucks about the pair of boys were doing, and Ian cocked an eyebrow at Mickey, challenging him.

                Mickey followed Ian's gaze and acknowledged that no one in the room cared what they were doing. He essentially thought 'fuck it' and moved in closer to Ian to plant a kiss on him. Ian stayed still and let Mickey do it, gloved hands still covered in pig innards. Mickey pulled back after the peck and bit his lip, eyes flicking down to the pig.

                "You gonna get a fuckin' move on, Gallagher? I'm not staying late 'cause you got fuckin' stars in your eyes. Soon as that bell goes, I'm outta here."

                "Sure you can keep your lunch down?" Ian teased, turning his attention back to their fetal pig.

                "I'll eat yours too," Mickey promised, eyebrows raising before he threatened; "I guess I'll just have to feed you something else."

                Ian just grinned and began extracting the pig's slimy intestines.

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