Go to victoria secret with them (voltron)

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●Doesn't really like going in there
●You literally have to drag her in there
●But when she does she buys like one pair of underwear
●Helps you pick bras and underwear

●He's the one who wants to go in there
●Wants you to try on everything
●Picks out some not so innocent things
●You try to sneak off to hot topic but he catches you 'sometimes'
●Never letting him go in there again
●But you bought one of the not so innocent things and decided to surprise him later

●He never goes one foot inside
●But when he does he's a blushing mess
●When you asked him which one he likes he just turns into a stuttering mess and just picks one
●But secretly love picturing you in a lot of stuff there but wouldn't show it


●He can take it
●He sometimes picks out somethings for you but not to revealing
●He tells you which one he likes
●Sometimes goes off and buys something for you and let's just say it's not innocent
●But loves seeing you happy so he does anything

●You wouldn't let him in there and that's ok because he doesn't like going in there
●Sometimes watches you pick out things from outside and blushes a lot
●When you come out he just blushes like crazy thinking of what you bought
●But he's ok because if you like it he likes it even if it's stuff like that

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