Take Out Coffee

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  "Umm, problem?" That girl with maroon colored hair asked.
Maroon colored hair! Hazelnut eyes, pink rose lips and that perfect white skin.
Her voice sounds so familiar that it nearly made me melt to the floor.
My body freezed, unable to move as I tried to collect myself to believe who is right in front of me.
H-how is this even possible?
From all people, like 18 million people in this city, and I had to run into her?! My luck couldn't get any worse.
I gulped and glanced at her for a second. Well, to be honest, I didn't expect her to be this short. She is like probably only 150 cm, while I am at 180 cm.
Come to think of it, she looks just like a little brat.
A brat that ruined my business.
"Oh you live here? I guess we're going to be neighbors."
That sentence hit me right in the head, makes me feel like wanting to melt away into the ground and dissappear.
It got worse. My luck just got worse.
I turned around, not willing to look at that brat's face anymore.
This is all too much, too intense. Why is this all happening so fast?
I absolutely didn't see this coming. All was going fine yesterday at the restaurant, even at night I slept so well that I thought that today is going to be a fine day.
Yet, it turned out to be my worst nightmare.
"Sir? Do you need help? You're shivering." That brat sounded to be worrying about me.
Believe me, I don't know why my body starts to shake so badly, it happens when I am stressed out.
I can feel her hand on my back, and the next second Princess came scratching on Angel's right leg.
Instinct overload.
With one majestic leap, Princess climbed up on Angel's leg and start scratching and growling.
I've never seen that cat act like this before.
Turned completely different in a second, that cute kitty is now a fierce lion. Growling, scratching, screaming and her eyes are on fire.
My eyes glanced at Angel, and to my surprise that girl didn't flinch at all.
Her eyes turned all sparkly, as if she has found her true love.
With one hand, she pulled Princess from her leg and hugged that cat tightly in her arms.
Princess looked so confused, turned from a fierce lion into a helpless mouse in a trap.
Her fiery eyes turned into a crying for help.
No more growling, instead turned into a weeping.
Looks as if she wanted to scream and got so confused with her situation now.
I have to admit, I do too.
"OMG! What a cute little kitty! Who's a good girl? Muaahh muaah!" Angel starts making kissing sounds and rubbing her cheek against Princess.
That silly cat looked so confused with her new snuggly friend.
Her eyes turned to me and started weeping again. She looked as if she was about to cry for help and her body shaked so hard, I knew that Princess is really scared now.
Time to be a man. "Hey! Let go of my cat!" I ordered as I took my cat from that brat's arms. Princess looked so relieved when she's back in my arms.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare her. I just love cats." Angel gave me a smile, which bugs me actually.
She held out her right hand at me and kept on smiling. "Hi, my name is-"
"I know who you are," I interfered her introduction and gave her a nasty look.
No need any introductions here. I knew her well enough to hate her.
"You're Angel Pretzel, an internet personality with over three million subscribers. Your videos consist mainly of reviewing food and do some cooking attempts as well," I said with a nasty voice.
My eyes stared at her for a long time, giving her that cold icy look.
Looks like it worked since she freezed for a few seconds. Her eyes didn't blink at all.
Seemed in shock.
Suddenly, her eyes turned all sparkly and she blushed. "Wow! Are you an editor for my Wikipedia page? I'm grateful, thanks for your hard work!"
I squeezed Princess in my arms, trying to hold my temper. Seriuosly, if this brat was not a little girl, I would have picked a fight sooner.
My heart is pounding so fast, my breathing becomes fast and I felt like wanting to scream so hard.
This is getting annoying.
I tried to calm myself down and back at my icy look in my eyes. "No, I'm not an editor. I'm Charles Graham, and I'm a business man in the culinary industry."
Before I could say anything further, she jumped right in front of me, with her sparkly eyes and looked as if she is admiring me. "You own a business?? That's awesome! What is the name? Are you self taught? What kind of food do you serve? How long have you been in this business? And-"
"Dimanche. My restaurant is Dimanche."
Her sparkly eyes are all gone, she even stepped away. Suddenly the situation all turned dark and cold.
"Dimanche?" she asked in a small voice.
I didn't answer. I just stood there hugging my cat, trying to calm myself down. There is no need for other introductions, she should have realized by now who she's dealing with. I can't handle another of her stupid acts.
"Oh, no," she said. "I suppose you've seen my latest video. Umm, oh dear. Look, I wasn't trying to be mean back then. Hmm, it is part of my job to give critiques and properly review restaurant. Look, reviews will help your business grow. You'll just have to get use to it. See, I-"
That is it. I've lost my temper, I can't take this anymore. She is extremely annoying.
"Critique?! You just can't handle French food!"
That hit her right in the face. She stared at me in astonishment, as if she didn't see this coming. Thought that I am going to be all nice, isn't it?
"Nobody has ever complained before, it is all because of your tongue doesn't fit in with Western food! Why don't you see the menu and choose the food that suits your tongue and stomach?! Or you just want to act all rich and ordered French cuisine?!"
She laughed nervously, felt defeated and can't say another word. I knew it. She is just a stupid brat.
"Forget it. I don't expect you to understand nor care."
I stepped away from her, can't handle another fight. This is all too much, I will have trouble breathing soon. My heart is pounding so fast, seems like it is going to jump out of my body.
I squeezed Princess even harder, which is quite comforting to hold my temper.
"Hey!" She called. "At least you get a publicity for free. I usually get paid for a review. Consider I did you a favor, Sir." Angel made her voice sounded coldy, still trying to defend herself.
I sighed. She really doesn't know what she has done, does she?
"You have no idea what you've done, do you?" I asked and then took a deep breath.
Our eyes meet for a second, and I can see that innocent glance. She really doesn't know. Seemed so desperate to know why I hate her.
"If you try to do me another favor, I'll sue you for a violation of my intellectual property." I gave her one last nasty look to scare her.
She gasped and her eyes turned wide. Really didn't expect this coming from me.
I turned around and walked away.
Can't handle it anymore. I just want to go to the park with my cat. 

Maybe I'll grab some take out coffee at that coffee shop near the park.
Yeah, coffee will do.

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