Coffee Dispenser

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  "Good morning, boss!" Heath greeted me with delight.
I nodded and went straight to the kitchen. Heath surely seemed happy today.
Sam hugged me once I arrived. "Bro! You won't believe this!"
I shrugged. "What?"
"Wanna tell ya that we've got some extra cash, like a lot which we can use to renovate Dimanche or maybe open up a branch!"
My heart nearly stopped. Can't believe my ears. There must be some mistake.
"What? You didn't let my family gave us that money, right?!" My jaw dropped and my eyes got wide.
Sam laughed. "No, it was that girl that made us a hard time. Angel, remember?"
My eyes stared at Sam for a moment, trying to process what he just said.
The next second, I can feel fire in my body boosting up, ready to kill. "SHE DID WHAT?"
Sam looked all confused. "Aren't you happy that she gave us the money that she earned from that video?"
"NO! I AM NOT!" I yelled and ran outside Dimanche, straight to that brat's house.
Today is the day that I kill a human being! Going to turn her into a satay if I have to. What is all this? Why does she keep bugging in my life and try to give me money? She doesn't know who she is dealing with.
I stopped right outside her house, controlling my breath. Then I just bang on that damn door. With my ultimate door knock no jutsu!
That door will be broken if she doesn't come out quickly.
"ANGEL PRETZEL! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" I yelled as I kept on knocking harshly.
ARRRGGGHHH!! My hands hit that door really hard, letting out all my anger.
Angel opened the door and looked at me by surprise.
"Angel! How dare you!" I screamed. "You are the most stubborn, inconsiderate-"
"Thank God you're here!" she said as she grabbed me by the arms and took me straight inside.
"I need your help, man! It is very important!" she said as she pulled me inside the house in full power. Never know a little girl like her can be super strong.
This is not how I saw this encounter unfolding.
We stopped at the kitchen and she released my arm. Come to think of it, she is very strong since my arm got all hurt.
What does she eat every day?
"Damn, don't need to be so harsh!"
"Sorry, but this is serious," she said sweetly.
She pointed at the coffee dispenser in the counter. "It is broken and I really need caffeine before recording a video. I don't trust just anyone to fix my belongings. I've tried to do it on my own, yet I have no mechanical skills. Don't understand at all. You're the only person I know who understands this sort of thing. Could you take a look for me?"
I glared at her for a few seconds. What is all this sweetness suddenly?
"Please, Charles. I'm desperate."
What a weirdo, it just a coffee dispenser. Just buy a new one, she has plenty of money.
I sighed and looked at the dispenser. Starting by looking at it and opened it up a little bit to see if there is any damage. Hmm, this is easy.
"Looks like a standard error," I said without looking away from the dispenser. It is a huge one, probably like the one I have in Dimanche. It is weird how addicted she is to coffee.
"Does that mean you can fix it?" she asked.
"Yeah, I can, " I answered while still looking at the dispenser.
"The question is..." I said slowly.
"Why should I?" I glanced at her. My eyes are still all fiery from what she did with the damn money she got. I am not going to forgive her easily.
She stood up and sighed. "If you can fix it, just name your price."
"Just name my price? You really like to throw money at things, don't you?" Our eyes meet briefly for a second before I bit my lips. This is intense, will she pay me with whatever I want?
She nodded her head and took a step closer to me. Her eyes got all watery, begging for me to do it. "Will you help me?"
"Just name my price?" I asked once more. This time, I gave her a nasty look. Wanting her to feel like melting to the floor. I am done playing the nice guy.
"Yes," she said and looked at the floor, not willing to look at me.
"I want you..." I said slowly. "To review Dimanche again, record it with honesty."
She flinched.
I looked at her in pain. "That's my price."
Her whole body just freezed, turned into stone.
Guess she didn't see that coming.
"From all the things you could have asked for...reviewing Dimanche again was the last on my list," she whined.
"Is it really that hard to believe?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"With the backlash from my fans? Yeah!" she snapped.
I looked to the floor, feeling all weak. "Honestly, the damage has already been done and things couldn't get any worse. I honest review from you. All I am asking is for you to take your time to enjoy the meal at Dimanche."
I fidget and took a step back, can't talk anymore. Despite everything that has happened, I just want an honest review from her.
Believing in Dimanche, I know that my restaurant is the best. She was wrong.
Angel looked at me with her watery eyes, felt all sad and guilty.
She sighed. "Don't think it would be a good idea."
"Good luck getting your dispenser fixed then," I said as I walked out the door.
She was shocked and yelled as she grabbed me by the arm. "Wait! I'll do it!"
I looked down at her, the little brat who is grabbing my arm so tightly that it hurts.
Her beautiful eyes filled with confident and she smiled sadly.
"If that what it takes, I'll come over at Dimanche and review it again honestly."
I smiled. Didn't know that this little brat has much confidence and kindness and willing to be responsible for her mistake.
Maybe she is not so bad after all.
This way, I can at least save Dimanche.
I hope so.  


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