Hot Cocoa

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"No! No more wedding!" I snapped.
Last time we catered a wedding was a disaster. I am not going to do that again. Even if it is worth to try to gain our ratings back, I am not interested.
"Why?" Sam asked. He looked so optimistic, as if it is just a piece of cake.
"It is too difficult, besides we can't hire more people. My answer is no and it is final," I snapped as I walked out of the kitchen into the cashier.
No matter what, I am the boss here. Sam still has to follow me. If I say no, then he will not do it.
"Fine," Sam snapped back and went to on with his baking.
I guess that is the end of the conversation, better get back to work.
To my surprise, the number of customers coming in are not as many as they are used to. Would this mean that Angel's video is starting to make people to stop coming?
I gulped hard, trying to pull myself together. Just keep smiling and serve your best. Maybe I can prove to them that Angel's video is wrong.
Loyal customers will coming in, right? They know Dimanche better than Angel, they would never turn their back on us.

"Phew, closing is done!" shouted Heath happily.
I just stood motionless in front of the cashier, just can't believe that today is not as hectic as it used to be. I mean, I know it is weekdays but usually there are still a lot of customers coming in for lunch.
Now it is just half of them coming in.
We really have to do something. Still, I am not going to do that wedding thing. It is out of the question. We are desperate and we need to hire a lot of people to do that.
What else can I do to save my restaurant?
"Oh, well, nighty night everyone. See you tomorrow!" Sam waved at us.
I waved back and walked all the way back home.
My brains are working very hard; trying to find a solution to this problem. Nowadays I can't even sleep at night since my brains started to work hard to find the answer.
I guess sooner or later I am gonna need some sleeping pills to doze off.

Sitting on my desk at home in front of the computer to find the answer just made me more stressed out.
I should probably contact some food bloggers to review my restaurant to get that damn rating up.
I wonder if they're willing to help me out after all that has happened?
If not, I have to figure out another way to get that rating up again.
My hands clasped my face and started to slap my own cheeks. Snap out of it! Fretting over this isn't going to help!
I need to focus on making progress in Dimanche, like maybe making new menus. I only have so much time to work on saving Dimanche before I need to head to back to get back to work tomorrow morning.
Hmm, what new progress can we add here in Dimanche?
Our menu hasn't been changed in quite a while, I even never tried to make limited edition menus. Sam has the skills to create unique food, maybe he can come up with something.
I guess I'll need to work on our Instagram more, like the stories and also the pictures. Heath and I can deal with that, since he has graphic design skills and I have a camera. That won't be too difficult.
Maybe should add some promotions and workshops?
Hmm, I need to discuss this with my team, for now I can just write down all my ideas.
I took my hot cocoa and had a sip.
Hmm, the smell of chocolate is so comforting. The taste melts right in my mouth.
"WHAT THE HELL??" shouted my neighbor.
PFFTTTT!! I spitted out my hot cocoa since I nearly had a heart attack.
"How can this happen? My mascara!"
My mug just slipped out my hands, twirled and dropped right on my keyboard.
By the fact I meant dropped was the whole hot cocoa spilled on my keyboard.
And it is broken.
Anger raged inside me, turning me into a beast mode. My eyes turned all fiery and I can feel my heart pounding very fast.
This anger is running through my veins, making me all furious.
That is it, I had enough.
I stood up and walked angrily outside.
"Ah, I still look pretty, guys. No probs with the makeup," shouted Angel happily.
My ears are all heated up, nothing else in my head except that my keyboard is broken because of a girl who can't use mascara.
Princess looked at me in confusion. Seeing a white man walking angrily towards a girl's home is something rare to see for Princess.
Alright, time to knock on that door. I am gonna give that chick a lesson.
Just as I was about to knock on the door, my body freezed.
Dammit, I can't do this. I mean she is a girl, I can't be angry at a girl. That is no gentleman.
Instead, maybe we can talk nicely?
I shook my head.
No, I need to confront her myself.
I can't be such a weak guy like this and let that girl walked all over me.
Yeah, I will confront her! I can do this with my ultimate door knock no jutsu!
My hand just landed right next to the door.
Nah, I'll just leave a note telling her to be quiet.
Yeah, that is better.
Hmm, I have a paper and pen right now in my pocket.
I'll just write down now and shove it under the door.
That should do it.
After I finished 'confronting', I went straight to my home, hoping that Angel will see it immediately and learn to shut up.
I need my sleep, literally need my sleep. 

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