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12 hours later.

Phew, finally I am back home.
So far, Dimanche's loyal customers are still coming in so that's good news.
Yet, I do feel like there is a decrease in the numbers of new customers today. Has that video already gave an effect to my restaurant' reputation?
Hmm, words spread fast.
I hope it won't get any worst than this.
My steps suddenly stopped as I saw who is standing in the front yard next to my house.
That little brat.
She is still busy bringing in all her packages into her new home. It is already 7 pm, what was she doing the whole day?
I peeked behind the bushes before I took a giant step towards the door. Need to be quickly so that she doesn't see me.
Princess and I stood in front of our door, watching closely as Angel kept busy unpacking her boxes.
She then turned towards us and I immediately jumped right into the bushes.
"Where is my make up box?" she asked.
I really feel like I'm in a horror game right now, and she is the devil who is ready to pounce on me.
"Oh!" she gasped and that nearly made my heart jumped right out of my body. Bloody hell.
"Here it is!" she said excitedly. I immediately took the opportunity to unlock my door.
Princess started scratching on the door, guess she is also scared of Angel.
This is damn intense.
Just as I was about to turn the key in the keyhole, Angel turned again towards us that made me had to jump into the nearest bushes.
"Damn, where is that lipstick?" she asked again, this time a little pissed off.
She started to rummage in one of the boxes and gasped, "Ah!"
This is crazy, I just want to get inside my own house.
With one big jump, I went to my front door, turn my key and ran inside.
My breath started to get short as I turned and slammed the damn door.
That should do it.
Finally I am safe.
I guess I heard her saying, "What the-?"
Guess she didn't see that coming. Oh well, I really don't want to bump into her.
Had too much drama for today.
Maybe a decent shower will help. After all, I guess I just need to relax for a bit. Perhaps tomorrow is going to be better than today.
I walked straight to my room and took off my clothes.
With one hand, I start to turn on the warm water in the shower. My other hand touched my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart.
Still feeling worried, I still can't help it but to be scared on what tomorrow will bring.
I stepped under the shower and felt the comfort and warmth of the water pouring on me.
Felt relaxing for a minute, like someone who is calming me down.
The water felt as if comforting me, telling me to relax.
I inhaled deeply, enjoying every second under the pouring water.
Yet, this relax feeling is not real.
It will not last.
My fear will come again.
I turn off the water and took my towel. After I had my pajamas, I jumped straight onto my couch, finding Princess curling up already.
Maybe watching a movie will help before going to bed.
As I turned on the TV, Princess started to curl up next to me. Her head lied right on my lap, and she looked as if she is smiling at me.
She looked so content, peaceful in mind.
That purring sound is so soothing, made me smiled as well. I gave her a pat on the head and start to stroke her soft fur.
She purred even louder.
I scratched her behind the ear and all of a sudden I started to think about Angel again.
Was I being weird? Maybe my friends are right, that it is the fans who ruined my restaurant, Angel didn't really say to anyone not to come anymore.
I shooked my head.
No, Angel's wrong for saying stuff like that. She was not being polite.
I took Princess in my arms and snuggled her. Her face touched my nose as I said, "Time for bed, my girl."
Princess purred and touched her nose to mine. It felt so comforting.
I closed my eyes and...
Bloody hell! How can her voice be heard until inside my house?
"I'm done moving into my new place yet still a lot of unpacking to do. Once I'm finished, I'll give you guys a tour. Until then, let's do a mukbang!"
Is she crazy or something? Recording a video at this hour? But I thought she is exhausted.
I took a deep breath. Whatever, I'm going to bed. Need to be up early for tomorrow at Dimanche.
Princess followed me as I walked into my room and jumped into bed.
As usual, she always sleeps next to me.
And usually I will fall asleep in minutes, but now is completely different.
Since I have this terrific background sound from my beloved neighbor!
"Hmm! This spicy noodles is sooo delicious! Let's add some chili. ARRGGHHH!" she screamed.
I glanced at my clock and almost fainted when I saw what time it is; it is three in the morning!
That little brat is still on making videos and I can't shut my eyes even for a second because of her voice.
"That was so good! Well, let's try something else next time." Okay, I guess she is almost done.
"Thanks for tuning in and watching. See you all next time! Muaah!"
My eyes got widen and I can't move.
This is going to be rough.
Never knew having a neighbor will be such a nightmare.
I tried to shut my eyes but it seemed to be locked open.
Damn, I need some sleep!
That little brat.
Going to teach her a lesson soon.
Wait, that is not manly. I can't fight a girl.
Ah, God.
What am I going to do with this brat?

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