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To Dylan:

i can’t believe we had our first kiss in a hospital

From Dylan:

i can’t believe your dad made you come home after

From Dylan:

we were on our honeymoon

From Dylan:

our date-ymoon

To Dylan:

you’re a giant dork

From Dylan:

yes but you are IN LOVE with me :)

From Dylan:

i’m in a good mood today

From Dylan:

just found out that i get to leave here tomorrow

From Dylan:

i mean i’m still going to be under “constant supervision” (mom probably, but maybe i can convince her to let you watch me?) 24/7 and i’ve got to meet with a therapist (which is probably a good thing to get help) but at least i’ll be out of here

From Dylan:

this place has scratchy sheets

To Dylan:

well i’m glad that you’re in a good mood then :)

From Dylan:

me too. it’s been rare lately. i hate feeling like this but i don’t know how to stop it. i would say maybe they could get me antidepressants but i think i might have messed up my chance for my mom to trust me around pills until i’m 30

From Dylan:

pills are so useful though

From Dylan:

what was i thinking

From Dylan:

i should’ve used something else instead

From Dylan:

sorry, i didn’t think that through before i sent it

From Dylan:

i just killed the mood. smooth.

To Dylan:

it’s fine. you’re still having suicidal thoughts?

From Dylan:

i’m trying not to, but it’s hard. you can’t just make them go away or they would have been gone a long time ago. i don’t exactly enjoy treating myself like shit. i mean i do because i deserve it, but i wish that i didn’t. (don’t tell me that i don’t deserve it, because i already know that that’s the first thing you’re going to say)

To Dylan:

fine i won’t say it, but you know i’m thinking it. it’s just very hard to watch you treat yourself like this, you know?

From Dylan:

i’ll try to get better

To Dylan:

but i don’t want you to get better for me. i want you to get better because you want to get better.

From Dylan:

i do want to get better. but i also don’t want to talk about this anymore.

From Dylan:

i think i’m going to take a nap but you’re visiting tomorrow right?

To Dylan:

you know i’m still grounded/on lockdown right

From Dylan:

oh. right.

To Dylan:

but i’m totally visiting anyway. now go rest.

Read 5:19 pm

To DylanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin