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9:07 am

To Dylan:

please text me back when you get this

Read 10:04 am


6:41 pm

From Dylan:

you can’t tell me that you weren’t trying to call me selfish when you called me SELF-ABSORBED. that’s what selfish is. absorbed with myself.

To Dylan:

well sorry that i lost my temper for a minute and called you selfish.

From Dylan:

you’re not even sorry though. you’re just upset that i got mad about it.

To Dylan:

i’m not UPSET over anything. i’m annoyed that you got mad about it, but i’m not UPSET.

From Dylan:

well of course i got mad at you calling me SELF-ABSORBED. did you expect me to be happy?

To Dylan:

no, but i expected you to realize that you were being a bit of a prick.

From Dylan:

“a bit of a prick”? seriously?

To Dylan:

yes, you were being a bit of a prick. because i was tired and i hurt my ankle and you wouldn’t slow down for one damn minute for some exercise that you didn’t even need and all you were talking about was how it was affecting you and how now you wouldn’t get to finish the jog and you didn’t even notice that my ankle hurt so badly that i actually had tears in my eyes because you were being a PRICK.

From Dylan:

you had tears in your eyes?

To Dylan:

too late for you to pretend to care now, dylan.

From Dylan:

i’m not pretending!

To Dylan:

well i was never informed of that.

From Dylan:

you’re being impossible.

To Dylan:

seriously? you know what’s impossible?

To Dylan:

as much as i love you, dating you feels impossible sometimes. my first instinct yesterday was to apologize to YOU. for calling you self-absorbed. after you were READY TO ABANDON ME yesterday after i twisted my ankle.

To Dylan:

but my first thought was that if i didn’t apologize to you and make it right then i could potentially lose you forever. and that’s what really feel impossible, dyl. i love you, as much as a 17 year old can love anyway, but i hate that it feels like even if you mess up or we both mess up then i’m the only one that’s got to make it right. and it’s scary for me too.

From Dylan:

so you’re saying that you hate dating me because you feel like one day you’re going to make me mad and push me too far and i’m going to off myself.

To Dylan:

i don’t hate dating you. it’s just that sometimes dating you scares me. but i’m not saying that because i want to break up. i’m just telling you because i’d rather be open with you instead of regretting not telling you.

From Dylan:

well i’d rather you tell me than keep things from me. and even if that leads to fighting and you calling me selfish then that’s okay i guess.

From Dylan:

and i am sorry for yesterday then. i wasn’t even thinking about you… and i guess that’s exactly why you called me self-absorbed.

To Dylan:

just don’t do it again

To Dylan:

because honestly, we’re all a bit selfish.

To DylanWhere stories live. Discover now