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My 20K follower update, ah! You guys are amazing. I'm STILL in shock.


11:07 am

From Dylan:

i’m done being an ass


12:18 pm

To Dylan:

that’s nice

From Dylan:

i still expected you to come over yesterday

To Dylan:

don’t take people for granted dylan.

From Dylan:

i know. and you’re still mad at me.

To Dylan:

well it’s not like you’ve exactly apologized, have you?

From Dylan:

i’m sorry for being an ass.

To Dylan:


From Dylan:

are you going to apologize?

To Dylan:

i have nothing to apologize for.

From Dylan:


To Dylan:

why would i have to apologize for you being a brat over the fact that i had to actually do my job and not text you back right away?

From Dylan:

you’re still mad

To Dylan:

i’m frustrated, dylan. i’m frustrated because you seem to have forgotten the beginning of the summer when you would continually blow me off and only talk to me when it was convenient for YOU. and now all of a sudden i can’t even take a break from talking to you even when i have a legitimate excuse? that’s just bullshit.

From Dylan:

i was having a tough time then. i think i deserved to talk to you when it was only convenient.

To Dylan:


From Dylan:

besides, you said that you were always going to be there for me, so i just assumed that that also included texting me back.

To Dylan:

it hadn’t even been an hour, dylan! do you not understand the concept of babysitting? do you not understand that if i take my attention away for one second that something terrible could happen? do you not understand that sometimes talking to you is not worth a child potentially hurting themselves or even losing their life under my watch?

From Dylan:

no, i get it. their lives are worth more than mine.

To Dylan:

that’s not what i said and don’t you dare twist my words

From Dylan:

you’re basically saying that you don’t always have to be there for me

To Dylan:

that’s not at ALL what i’m saying and you know it. god, of course i’m going to be there for you WHEN I CAN, but that doesn’t mean that you can take me for granted. the minute that you take something for granted, you lose it. remember that.

From Dylan:

are you breaking up with me?

To Dylan:

no. i just need some space from you, okay?

From Dylan:


Read 12:29 pm


8:04 pm

From Dylan:

i was originally texting you to let you know that i got my cast off, by the way.


To DylanWhere stories live. Discover now