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From Dylan:

another girlfriend already

From Dylan:

i mean i think so at least

From Dylan:

that’s really fucked up isn’t it?

From Dylan:

like why is she over? i have a right to be mad don’t i? like isn’t it too soon?

To Dylan:

are you asking ME if it’s too soon for YOU to have another girlfriend or am i confused

To Dylan:

because if so why would you be mad and also wouldn’t i be the last person that you would be asking about this?

From Dylan:


From Dylan:

my dad.

From Dylan:

i don’t KNOW if she’s a girlfriend but she came over last night and he went out today and I think he met with her and that’s fucking gross and i’m mad about it and i have a right to be, right? like him and my mom barely broke up, the divorce isn’t even final yet. why does he have other women coming over and why does she smell like his fucking cologne?

To Dylan:

shit, dylan

To Dylan:

thought you were with your mom though?

From Dylan:

with my dad for a few days, i came over yesterday. apparently i wasn’t the only one though

From Dylan:

i have a right to be mad, right? like this isn’t just me being fucked up again. like if i was normal i’d still be mad right now, right

To Dylan:

you ARE normal but yes, you have a right to be mad. hell, I’M mad for you.

From Dylan:

my dad’s never cared what people think. i mean that like he’s never taken other people’s feelings into consideration. he never has but you think even after his son tried to kill himself he’d be a little more thoughtful.

From Dylan:

he’s not even home right now. he’s probably out with her. i’m so angry.

To Dylan:

give me 20 minutes and we’re going on a movie date. anything you want to see?

From Dylan:

anything but this stupid house. i don’t care.

From Dylan:

and thank you. i told you i’m grateful for you and i really mean it

To Dylan:

no problem dyl, i’ll be there really soon

To DylanWhere stories live. Discover now