Chapter 1

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Harrys POV

I was at recess playing when a boy who looked older than me tripped and fell.He started crying so I walked over to him and he scraped his knee.I told the teacher and she cleaned him up and put a bandade on it.

"Thanks kid"he said


"Hey lets go play"

"Ok lets go"I said

He ran to the monkey bars which I couldn't do yet since I was just in 1rst grade.

"Oh, you can't get up here huh"he said and I nodded

"Ok meet me at the slide"he said and I started running and he jumped off the bars and ran as well.

We met back at the top if the slide where we sat and started talking.

"Im Louis, whats your name?"

"Im Harry"I said

"Well hi Harry maybe we can be friends...I could be your 3rd grade buddy"he said smiling

"And I'll be your 1rst grade buddy"I said and he nodded.

We played and played till it was time to go in.I didn't want to but I had too.


Mummy and I were outside playing when a boy and his mum came out if there house and towards us.As they got closer the boy ran to me and hugged me.



"Hey Harry we're neighbors"

"Yeah we are"

"That means we can play all the time"


"Yeah cause we're best friends now"




Louis POV

I heard knocking at the front door and mum went to go answer it

"Hey LouLou"Harry said walking towards the couch where I was.

"Hey Hazza what's up"

"Well your a senior and im a sophomore so I was wondering if you could help me with my homework"

"Yeah course come on"I said gesturing to my room.

We got up there and I closed the door, just me and harry alone in my bedroom.Let's say I had a crush on Harry for a while, well since I was a freshman.

"So what do you need help in is the question"I said walking towards the bed

"Uh math, then I have a science project and you won the fair"

"Sounds like you need a lot of help babe"


Shit "pet names...just adding to the list"

"Oh, well 'babe' I do need a lot of help"he said babe!

I almost fangirled over that like I can't believe he said that, now only if we were dating then it would be perfect.

"LouBear you ok"I was out of my thoughts

"Yeah HazBear lets get started shall we"

The next 3 hours were us working on his math then science project until my mum came in and told us he had to go.

"Bye Lou see you tomorrow"

"Yep bye Haz"

He was gone,with his mum going down the road to his house....and I have to wait 10 hours to see him.


"Louis you and Harry sure are friendly"my mum said

"What do you mean by friendly"

"I mean Louis your gay, but does Harry know, you like him.Does Harry know anything Louis I mean he's your best friend for God sake he should know

"He will just give it time"

"Ok Louis but you will do the right thing"

"Yeah sure"


"Ok mum"i said going up the stairs to my room

I decided to call him so we can meet tomorrow



"We should hang tomorrow I'll come and get you and we can go somewhere"

"Where? "

"That's for me to know and you to find out"

"Fair enough ok"

"Be ready by noon"

"Will do"he said and I hung up

Now I wasnt gonna tell him anything but... we were gonna hang out.I mean TALK and HANG OUT! Yeah we'll say that cause rusts what we'll do cause that's what it is.

A/N:yay chapter 1 wwoooo!!! Ha So next chapter will.. SHOULD be longer Ok so don't kill me now! But just read you'll love the ending!! Haha... that's not really an ending but you'll love it!! I'll tell you now that there won't be a second book Ok... that's on my L.H. book that has more than 1 book! im done talking!

Bye minions

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