Chapter 2

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Harrys POV

I woke up and got ready, I couldn't drive my car cause Lou was picking me up so I had to hurry since I didnt know what time he'd be there.I went downstairs as was greeted by my mum as she left for work.I was all alone for another hour...until the doorbell rang and I jumped sincw I was alone.But I opened it and there behold Louis Tomlinson the boy who called me babe and I melted.Yeah I liked him since he had became a freshman even though I was in 7th we didn't mind.

"Come on in Lou"I said miving out if the way

"Thank you Haz"

"So why you here so early"

"So we could hang and then study for your math test on Friday."he said

"How'd you know I had a test Friday?"

"I was in that class babe, and this test grade is worth 40% if you overall grade since its a semester test" babe there it was again.

"Oh true...and you wanna help me study....shouldn't you study to"

"I have other time babe don't worry about me ok"

"Ok" I said looking down

"Look at me beautiful"Louis said cupping my cheeks in his hands

I looked up at him and smiled then he leaned in closer and closer till his lips touched mine. I didn't  know what to do I'd never kissed anyone but Louis Tomlinson he moved his lips and I moved mine as well and our lips moved in sync. His tongue licked my bottom lip but I didn't know what to do so I opened my mouth and then let him in. It had went from a make out session to a snogging session. Then he finally pulled back as we gasped for air.

"I'm sorry Harry  I didn't-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips into his for the last time then pulled away.

"Now we're even"I said and smiled


I was walking out the building when Niall  ran up to me.

"Ok so for my science project I did reproduction and my mum was like Niall  you aren't doing good your project on sex, then my brother  said that I was sexually frustrated"he said and I laughed.

I saw Louis and his face was crinkled up.

"Bye Niall"

"Bye Harry"he waved as I walked to Louis

"He was flirting" Louis  said as we sat in the car

"He was not"

"Yeah that's why he brought up sex then he couldn't  do the project....I bet you his project is on plants and was never on sex"he said looking at me

"Louis are you jealous?"

"Of what, I'm not jealous of you and definitely not him ok you guys are just dumb kids who have crushes while I am an adult who dates"he said and tears  built in my eyes as he drove down the road

"But you kissed me yesterday"

"As an experiment"he said loudly


"What"he spat  and looked at me as we entered my drive way

"Your lying" I yelled as the tears finally stream down my face

He looked me in the eye with so much love. "I know HazBear...I'm so sorry for snapping at you like that I did the mean to make you cry I was just mad, jealous  and scared that you had replaced me."he said

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