chapter 11

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Louis' POV

"Harry come on now" I yelled

He was still getting ready for the graduation today

"Hold up" he said walking out of the room

" babe" I said kissing his forehead

We walked out to the car and I drive to the chapel were we were graduating at and hopefully getting married in. We stepped out of the car and Eleanor saw me shit!

"Hey Lou, hey Haz"she said all perky

"Hey Eleanor" I said and harry waved smiling as we walked in

She might be Harrys friend but I think she was trying to get in my pants. I've been telling her that I'm gay, but she won't believe me. I never mentioned Harry, not yet anyways. We walked into the large chapel and took out seats as the parents and other adults walked in. I saw my mum and sisters as I squeezed Harry's hand. Then I saw his mum and sister so he squeezed my hand back. I looked at him who was smiling and back at his mum who was crying along with Gemma as they took a seat next to my family. The ceremony started and I was waiting on my name To be called.


They were in the S's so Harry would be called sooner or later. Finally it happened

"Harry Edward Styles"

Harry's POV

I was waiting and waiting for my name TI be called anxiously trying bot to fidget around then finally.

"Harry Edward Styles" she said and I got up and walked to the stage as people cheered for me. I looked hoping to see my mum. And I did, she was standing up with Gemma and louis' family smiling crying and clapping. I shook there hands and grabbed my diploma and took a picture then returned to my seat.

"Harry, you just fucking graduated babe"

"I know I know" I said

Louis' POV

I was now waiting on my name to be called patiently, but I zoned out and harry was patting my shoulder and I looked up.

"Louis William Tomlinson?" the questioned

I got up and made my way up smiling and blushing in embarrassment of not paying attention. I did the same thing Harry did and sat back until my seat.

"You graduated LouBear"

"You did too HazBear"

"We did it"

"We made it through many many years if school" I said and Harry giggled

"Yeah" he said then paid attention to the rest if the names.


We met back up with my parents, mum was crying and Dan was pacing.

"Dan calm down, mum stop your crying" I said as harry and I made our way to them

"My baby isn't a baby anymore"

"No I'm not mum and neither is Harry" I said and he smiled

"You fucked him didn't you?"

"Better last week then years ago" I said laughing but she looked serious


"Sorry, but true mum"

"Oh God, please don't talk about your sex life"

"I make no promises mum"

I saw Harry smile and walk over to Anne.

Harrys POV

I listened and blushed to Louis words as he answered his mums questions. I looked to my right and saw my mum and Gemma smiling with there arms out. I decided to walk over there into there arms as they wrapped around me.

"Oh, Harry I've missed you" mum said squeezing me

"Missed you to lil brother" Gemma said as I embraced her hug.

"I missed you guys"

"So how's living with Louis for this long?" mum asked as I stood in front of her.

"It's great, in a few years we're gonna get married and adopt kids" I said excitedly

"Yeah we are" Louis said making me jump as he put his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder

"Thats amazing guys, make sure mum and I are invited so we can cry" Gemma said

"Ah your gonna cry cause I'll get married before you? "

"Partiality, but mostly cause you'd be getting married in general"

"Wow, your confusing" I admitted as Louis let go and laughed.

"We better get going, Harry I have a suprise for you"

"Oh really? "

"Uh.... kinda we have to go somewhere so you'd put your costume on"

"Oh really?"


"Ok, bye Anne bye Gemma" I said waving

"Bye Harry" Anne said.

I still didn't consider her as a mum anymore, not yet anyways.

"Bye girls and Jay"

"Leaving already? Bye boys have a good day and HH"

"HH" I said waving.

HH was our sating for Happy Halloween just in case you didn't know, ya do now.


"LouBear where are we going? " I asked impatiently

"Somewhere, that considers a costume babe"

"Uh, it's a party huh? "

"Shit.... yeah, don't be mad"

"I'm not mad I just really don't like parties, something bads gonna happen watch"

"Oh HazBear stop it"

I still knew it!

A/N: haha I'm so predictable right?

Shut the fuck up your not suppose to answer that!

Just kidding I love you all thanks for the comments and votes!! I even replied to somone....or people depends on when you read this. But yeah!! 2 chapters in 1 Day BITCHES that's what's up!!

Bye minions

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