Let The Games Begin {21}

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                                                                                ***Jakey’s POV***

                I got up and out of bed. I showered quickly before pulling on some clothes. I mentally groaned, realizing my stuff was at Skylar’s house.

                I went out to the kitchen and also realized I had no way to school. Seth wasn’t going to pick me up, and the buses didn’t run by my grandma’s house. I would have to walk all the there. Wonderfuckingful.

                Grandma glanced at me as I pulled my shoes on. “You’ll never make it to school walking, and I can’t drive you. My glasses are broken and I can’t drive without them. You might as well skip today,” she grumbled, sitting down at the kitchen table.

                “I’ll just walk there and stay for whatever amount of the day I manage to,” I said with a sigh. I was secretly pleased that she had considered giving me a ride. It almost brought a smile to my face.

                “Bye grandma. Have a good day. I love you,” I said before leaving the house. I walked around to the front and froze in shock.

                “Well? Are you going to get in, or do you want to walk?” Cameron asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

                I crawled into the car sitting in the driveway and shut the door. Cameron backed out of my grandma’s driveway and took off down the street.

                “I don’t play Breathe Carolina constantly. You’ll have to deal with Pierce The Veil,” he said after a moment of silence between us.

                “Thank you for picking me up. I didn’t know you had a car. Or could drive,” I said.

                He shrugged. “I figured Seth wasn’t going to pick you up. So I asked my mom if I could take the car. I usually hate driving because it’s a pain in the ass. But I do have my own car and license.”

                “Well, thank you,” I repeated gratefully.

                “No problem,” he said.

                He pulled into the school parking lot a few minutes later and we got out of the car. We walked inside together and I realized I didn’t have a locker to go to anymore either. Damn.

                The warning bell rang and Cameron and I went to class. Seth was there, talking to some girl that sat in front of him and laughing. Skylar wasn’t there, though.

                Cameron and I sat down. Seth glanced at us and nodded, acknowledging us, before turning back to the girl and talking again.

                The bell rang and Ms. Kirkland cleared her throat loudly to get our attention. “Pass up your homework,” she demanded.

                Kids passed up their homework and I nervously chewed on my lip. She would yell at me if she noticed that I hadn’t passed anything up. But all my stuff was at Skylar’s house. I was lucky I had some spare clothes at my grandma’s house.

                “Jake Kantor! Where is your homework?” Ms. Kirkland demanded after checking the papers.

                “I, uh…I don’t have my stuff. But I can explain after class!” I said, pleading with my eyes.

                “I will not here any of your pathetic excuses. You are a waste of my time. You get a zero for the day,” she said flatly before turning and starting class.

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