Let The Games Begin {23}

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                There was a knock on my door and then my mom appeared. “Skylar? Are you okay?” she asked with a deep frown.

                I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Jakey hadn’t been in school today, and I was beyond worried about him. I was getting ready to leave and talk to Cameron now.

                “Not really. I’m worried about Jakey,” I mumbled, pulling my shoes on and beginning to tie them.

                “I hope he’s okay. If he was spiked…ugh. Kick that other boy’s ass,” mom said, shaking her head in disgust.

                “Jakey hates violence mom. If I kick Cameron’s ass, it’ll only make things worse,” I said miserably. I wanted nothing more than to kick Cameron’s manipulative sorry ass.

                I got up and waved to my mom before leaving the house. I walked my way to Cameron’s house, my earphones in and my music loud. I was trying to calm myself down before I got to Cameron’s house.

                “There might be oceans between us. In my heart and my mind, we’re gonna show them what we’re made of.”

                I turned my music down and pulled my earphones out as I walked up Cameron’s driveway. I went up and rang the doorbell.

                Cameron opened the door and stared at me in surprise. His eyes narrowed at me suspiciously and he shook his head.

                “If you’re here to start shit, just leave. I’m not in the mood to deal with you,” he grumbled in annoyance.

                “I just want to talk to you,” I said honestly, trying not to let my temper flare.

                Cameron hesitated before sighing. “I’m going to regret this,” he said, stepping aside to let me in.

                I stepped into the house and took my shoes off before following Cameron upstairs to his bedroom. We sat on his bed together and I took a calming breath before speaking. I would handle this as maturely as possible.

                “Cameron, I know you spiked Jakey’s drink, so don’t bother lying to me. I talked to a girl who saw you mixing him a drink. I don’t know why you’re trying to break us up, but it has to stop. You’re hurting Jakey, and he can’t take it anymore. He’s broken and you’re just making it worst. Please just leave us alone,” I said, surprised at how calm I sounded.

                A smirk spread on Cameron’s face. “Yea, I spiked his drink. Way to figure that out captain obvious. And I’m not trying to break you and Jakey up. It’s not my fault you’re an over jealous asshole and he’s a dimwitted moron.”

                “Don’t say that about Jakey!” I snapped. I took another calming breath and glared at Cameron. “Why are you doing this to us? Huh? What did any of us ever do to you? Jakey and I date for four years, then you come and fuck it up. Jakey and Seth are best friends for 14 years, then you come and fuck it up. You’re planning this. I know you are.”

                “Why? Well, because I’m bored,” Cameron said with a shrug. “And someone as stupid as Jameson is the perfect way to entertain myself for a little.”

                I clenched my fists tightly. “Don’t call him Jameson,” I hissed.

                “Oh, he told me everything. His mom and dad disowned him. Yea, it seemed like a pretty good time to suggest that you were with him out of pity,” he said and laughed, as if this situation were actually funny.

Let The Games Begin [boyxboy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें