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"oh my gosh you're so skinny!"

This I heard multiple times
But as I was younger I didn't care a dime
It was until many kept calling me skinny
Until I was older enough to see it for myself
A girl asked how much I weight
I didn't want to tell her
Because I didn't want her to judge me
Judge me?
Say what my parents always say about me.
I say parents because I don't want to be specific.
Constantly at home I would be reminded of how skinny I was
There was no way that I couldn't think myself any more much than that
I didn't see how I was skinny younger
But now I do or I did
I wanted to get rid
Of my skinny stigma
"I want to gain weight" I said to myself
When at school people would imply and automatically assume that I should be lucky to be skinny and not fat.
When younger I almost gave in to that thought but I knew it was wack
I can't assume how my life would be if I were fat
But one thing I know is that me being skinny is not the best
How about if we came together and sat
Instead of predicting witch struggle is the worst
See there's the trap.
The trap?
We all won't be satisfied until we get what we want or have what others want
That's me
I would look at pictures and see
Girls that I wish I look like
They have the curves, butt, and body
What do I have?
No curves, no butt, only a long body.
But I'm caring so much on my weight
Taking out more time to become self confident
Because of how I or others perceived me
I didn't want to wear an outfit that I pick out because I felt it's going to make me look skinny.
I wanted to wear a hoodie instead
I'm not telling this for anything but to explain my journey
A journey that I'm still learning
Yes I will continue on growing
And I hope that
We all could understand each other's journeys

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